Chapter Two

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The residential buildings of NVU were all arranged around a courtyard. It consisted of about 10 buildings. Park Hall, one of the student residential buildings was designed for freshmen. It was a four story dormitory building with. The student rooms were arranged on double loaded corridors, containing 30 residents per corridor. Freshmen were not allowed to have single rooms. Each room had 2 students in order to improve social cohesion. The student rooms were built around independent staircases, that opened separately into the courtyard. The courtyard served to channel traffic through a single college entrance and past the major common rooms. Mia and her mom walked through the corridors of the first floor looking for her room number.  "Room 18, room 18, room 18" Mia said repeatedly as she passed each door. She noticed other new students walking about, some with parents too. Finally, she got to Room 18. She knocked, and then turned the door handle, but the door was locked. "I guess Lia hasn't arrived yet" her mom said to her. "Yeah" Mia replied as she brought out her room key. She opened the door, and they went in. They both paused to take in the room,"wow" her mom whispered behind her. The room was very large with two  empty beds on opposite sides of the room. Each side had a wardrobe, a desk and a chair and a large mirror on the wall. The walls were painted with the prettiest shade of purple, there was a blue sofa in the middle of the room , and a love seat close to the window. There was another door in the room. "That should be the bathroom, I'm gonna check it out" Mia told her mom. "Okay sweetie, I'll just start unpacking" her mom told her. Mia went to the bathroom, and she loved it, the walls were white, the floors were tiled, there was a bath tub at the side of the wall. She jumped up excitedly when she saw it. She was going to love it here, Mia thought to herself. She couldn't wait to put her touch in the room and decorate her side of the room, she had pinterest boards made for that already. She went back to the room to join her mom and met her hanging her clothes in the wardrobe already, "oh honey, I chose the bed closest to the window for you, you should start laying your bed" her mom told her. "Thanks mom" and mia got to work. They both started to work quietly.

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