Chapter Three

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Two hours later, they were done setting up most of her things. Mia opened the notes app on her phone and made a list of things she would be needing in the room. While she was busy with that, there was noise coming from the hallway. She wondered what was going on, and she got her answer. Her door opened, and a girl walked in, she was a bit taller than Mia maybe an inch taller, her hair was brunette and she had blue eyes, she had on a brown and black checkered mini skirt, a brown sweater, an oversized suit jacket on the sweater, with the sleeve of the sweater rolled over the sleeve of the suit jacket, and knee high boots. As she gave the girl a once-over, Mia only had one thought, "cool". This girl looked fucking cool. This must be her roommate, Mia thought to herself. She looked around the girl, and noticed she had a lot of boxes with her, a man was with her helping to drag more boxes in. "Must be her dad" Mia thought. The girl came towards Mia, "Hi, you must be Mia, I'm Lia Rose Smith, your roommate, we texted each other" The girl spoke to her. "Hi, nice to meet you, I love your outfit, this is my mom" Mia replied her. Lia turned to meet her mom "Good afternoon, Mrs Reed" "Please call me Tracy dear, how are you doing?" Mia's mom replied. "I'm doing great, just really excited. I've always wanted to come here, my dad went here too" Lia responded back. "Really? That is so cool, is that your dad with you?" Mia asked referring to the man she saw earlier with her. "Nahh, that's my driver, my parents couldn't make it, it's no biggie. I absolutely love your hair by the way" Lia told Mia. "Thank you so much, my dad couldn't make it either. So is your driver going to be here the entire semester?" Mia asked her. "Nope, he's going back to New York tomorrow" Lia replied her. "Isn't it crazy that our names are so similar, Mia and Lia, I mean what are the odds right?" Lia continued. "Yeah" and they both giggled. "I'm glad to see both of you getting along" Tracy said with a smile. "Moooom"Mia whined. "What???" her mom replied back with a knowing look on her face. "Mia, help Lia in setting up, I'm going to get us something to eat, maybe pizza. Lia I'll get you something too" Tracy said to the girls as she stepped out. "Your mom seems really cool" Lia said. "Errrhh, Not all the time" Mia responded, "she can be annoying like all parents can be, I still love her all the same though" she continued, and Lia laughed. "Wow, you have a lot of luggage, and I thought I had a lot when I got here" Mia said as she watched Lia's driver drag in more luggage. Lia only just blushed and laughed. "So, do you think we should make any rules? any medical conditions, allergies or anything you think I should know about?" Mia asked her. Lia raised her head up to think "Uhhhh, yeah, we should definitely make some rules, but maybe that should come later, and yes I am asthmatic, but I carry an inhaler with me everywhere, but I'll keep an extra one in the top drawer,  I haven't had an attack in years, but still, you can never be too careful right?" She finally told Mia. "Okay, Noted".  Mia responded. "How about you?" Lia asked her. "No medical conditions for me" Mia responded. "Lucky" Lia told her and they both laughed. They both worked in silence, and after a while they almost had everything up. 
"So, what's your Major?" Lia turned to ask as she was setting up her ironing board. "Cell biology and genetics, how about you?" Mia asked. "Law" Lia responded. Mia whistled, "that's a big one". "I guess so, my family owns a law firm. Goes back for generations,  so it's kind of a family thing now. Everyone is a lawyer or is studying to become one" Lia continued on. "Wow" was all Mia said.
"So, there's going to be a meeting in the Junior common room for Park Hall freshmen by this evening by 7p.m" Lia said to her. "Yeah, I heard". "So, what are you going to wear?" Lia asked her. "Hmmm, I haven't thought about that yet, I should probably start looking for something". "Me too" Lia agreed with her. The door opened and Tracy walked in with two boxes of pizza, and three cans of soda. "Welcome back, mom" Mia greeted her mom as she walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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