Dramatis Personae Part 1

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Ridley Fayte(Human Vålnad)
Height- 5'10(Varies while in wraith-form)
Hair- Black(White and wispy while in wraith-form)
Eyes- Green(Glowing while in wraith-form)
Gender- Male
Wraith Type- Warmage(Specializes in war based magic)
Wraith Element- Earth
Bound Corporeal- Eidolon(Provides defense against the Dark while bound companion is in wraith-form)
Human Weapon of Choice- Energized Bo Staff
Personality- Young, reckless, friendly.

Ethel Wood(Cho Vålnad)
Age- 37
Height- 6'8(Varies while in wraith-form)
Hair- White(Wispy when in wraith-form)
Eyes-White(Glowing while in wraith-form)
Gender- Male
Wraith Type- Assassin(Specializes in quick and quiet movements)
Wraith Element- Wind
Bound Corporeal- Shade(Casts illusions to hide it's bound companion)
Human Weapon of Choice- Heated Double Sided Glaive(Blades heat when in use to allow for easier cutting of armors)
Personality- Mature, serious.

Thessalia Crowe(Human Vålnad)
Age- 17
Height- 5'11(Varies in wraith-form)
Hair- Darker Blond(White and wispy in wraith-form)
Eyes- Hazel(Glow icy blue in wraith-form)
Gender- Female
Wraith Type- Paladin
Wraith Element- Water/Ice/Cold
Bound Corporeal- Banshee(Distracts, stuns opponents while in battle)
Human Weapon of Choice- Electrified Daggers
Personality- Fun, Young.

Zaphara Straine(Asreocain Vålnad)
Age- 27
Height- 4'11(Varies while in wraith-form)
Hair- Dusty Brown(White while in wraith-form)
Eyes-Teal(Glowing while in wraith-form)
Gender- Female
Wraith Type- Warrior
Wraith Element- Fire
Bound Corporeal- Familiar(Flaming Eagle, assists in combat)
Human Weapon of Choice- Impact Enhanced Hammer(Upgraded to crush through heavy armors)
Personality- Brief, Direct, Serious.

Cynric(Human Ovlašćen)
Age- 17
Height- 6'3(Varies while in wraith-form)
Hair- Brown(White while in wraith-form)
Eyes- Blue(Glow while in wraith-form)
Gender- Male
Wraith Type(s)- Warmage, Necromancer
Wraith Element(s)- Light, Energy, Dark, And Basic Four
Bound Corporeal(s)- Familiar(Multi-elemental wolf to assist in combat) Shade(Dark Elemental, unknown purpose)
Human Weapon of Choice-Dual Modified Nuelia Forearm Machetes(Nuelia Forearm Machetes modified with Vibrum and a chain blade system, blades can launch from this system and be used like a hook blade, an energized Vibrum chain connects the blade to the launcher, effective up to 100 meters, unique to Cynric as he designed this particular model by modifying his fathers Nuelia Forearm Machetes)
Personality- Not sure yet.

Dreven Morelli(Chroi Ovlašćen)
Age- 58
Height- 7'6(Varies while in wraith-form)
Hair- Silver(Shines/glows while in wraith-form)
Eyes- Silver(Shines/glows while in wraith-form)
Gender- Male
Wraith Type(s)- Sorcerer, Warmonger
Wraith Element(s)- Light, Life, Death, Energy
Bound Corporeal(s)- Familiar(Iced Draco, assists in combat) Spectre(Informational bound companion, defends against Dark spells)
Human Weapon of Choice- Vibrum Swords(Vibrum enhanced swords cut through most metals, capable of blocking laser based weapons)
Personality- Wise, friendly, gloomy.

A/N: Other characters will be introduced as well, JaseMurray helped me with an idea for one of them. The next few updates of this book are purely informational, as in a Dramatis Personae of the Antagonists along with a map of the lands, and a Race list. If you have race suggestions or any ideas feel free to message or comment them! I'll be holding production of all other stories until I've gotten all the info published for this one! Peace brátans!

The Vålnad: Book 1 of the Elementals SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now