Chapter 2

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Dipper's P.O.V

That lying demon there's absolutely no way in the whole universe that what he said could be true...right?

"Oh but my little Pinetree it is true. Sorry ol Sixer didn't tell you before I did as he's the reason you grew up in this dimension, but no matter how much you refuse to admit it just give it some time you'll find who's telling you the truth." Slowly he starts walking towards me and I take a step back, now realizing I'm able to move again.

"Now why don't you come back with me to the Fear-a-mid and I'll explain things in greater detail. okay?" He continues walking towards me with his hand outstretched but I don't take it. Instead I take off running in the opposite direction from him.

Soon as I do the world fades back into color meaning he lets me leave the mindscape. So I make my way back to my "house" if you can really call it that after making sure I wasn't being followed by him or one of his henchmaniacs.

By the time I finally reach the small place I'm staying in I'm panting and covered in sweat. That doesn't stop me though from running the final distance in and locking the door before I finally let myself put my back against the door and slide down.

Everything comes crashing down at once and I tuck myself into a fetal position still against the door.

Ya right like that psychotic triangle was telling the truth and it's somehow grunkle Ford's fault, I don't believe it he wouldn't lie to me about something like that let alone keep me alive if I was really related to Bill.

Maybe sleeping will help ease my mind. I'm still dizzy from earlier and it's getting increasingly difficult to stay awake. So finally after this long day I let myself fall asleep, not bothering to get up and go to my makeshift bed. I fall asleep still in the fetal position against the door.

Bills P.O.V

Geez the kid didn't even give me a single chance to explain anything when he ran away like that. Of course I can't really blame him. I kind of did take over his dimension and tried to kill him... And his family... Multiple times. In my defense though I would never have done that to him if I had known he was my son, I'm not a complete monster.

So I let him run away and let him out of the mindscape. It's fine since I know he'll have to come to me sometime soon. He's going to need a lot of help getting those demonic powers under control, and I think he's smart enough to not go to old Sixer for help.

Not if he wants to survive at least that's why he'll have to come to me. I won't force him, rather I'll let him come to terms with everything and he can make the choice to seek my help and I'll be waiting for him with open arms.

For now though I have some things to take care of so I head back to the Fear-a-mid and search out one of my most trusted henchmaniacs, Pyronica.

"Yo Pyro, I need you in the throne room for something important." I call through telepathy and teleport on my throne as I wait for her to reach me.

"Yeah boss what ya need? I was about to go hunting with teeth and eight ball." She said casually, gesturing to her bow.

"This will not take too long as I have a request for you. I need someone to watch over Pine Tree for me, you know make sure nothing hurts him and to build some trust between me and him from a distance. I think you would be the best fit for this role if you're willing to accept it?" Her face changed to a contemplating look for a few seconds before she answered.

"Sure but why that pines kid might I ask?" Getting up from my throne I walk down to meet her. "You know how I told you what today is right?" Her eyes widen in realization and I chuckle.

"Yeah I didn't believe it at first myself. You'll also start tomorrow. He has his usual patrol again and I would like it if you two could hang out for a bit." She smiles and nods slightly.

"Sure now I've got to go gossip about this and go hunting see ya bill!" With that she runs away before I can say anything about that first part.

I smile to myself slightly amused by today's events. What an exciting ride it's been.

Teleporting to my bedroom I snap on my pajamas and fall onto the soft mattress with a sigh. I'll worry more about dealing with Pine Tree when I need to for now though I get to watch the chaos commence from a distance.

This should be fun.

Hey I hope whoever is reading this enjoyed the second chapter. Please to comment and Vote if you want to and I hope you have a great rest of your day/night.

Words: 869

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