Chapter 3

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Dippers P.O.V

"Yo idiot! Grunkle Stan said to wake your useless ass up and to tell you your working a double look out shift today, alone." The annoying screech that I've become familiar with as Mable's voice rings through the small room efficiently waking me up.

"Got it." I say back just loud enough for her to hear me. An exasperated huff can be heard as well as footsteps walking away.

Pulling my legs closer to my chest I cover my head the best I can in them thinking about yesterday's events. It's weird and I'm the one saying that, why would he claim something like that I mean it's just a bad lie unbelievable even. Mixed with the fact he just let me leave.

What game is he trying to play? I just can't understand it.

"GODS I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" yelling in frustration I abruptly stand up, my hands wrapping in my hair and pulling down a bit falls In Front of my eyes and it's... yellow?

Wait a second! Running faster than I thought possible I reach the mirror I have on the wall next to my mattress and look at my reflection. Even through disheveled hair I can still see the new color covering the tips.. the same color as Bill's hair, yellow.

My eyes also look different instead of the usual brown they once held now they are a strikingly enchanting gold. Unfortunately they're also the same as Bill's when I saw him.

I want to focus more on what's going on but right now I have to get out of here or someone is going to come in and see me like this and I don't have a good explanation thought up just yet considering I don't even know what's happening.

Looking around I spot a black baseball cap and put it on as well as pulling my hood over it so my hair and eyes are covered enough that my appearance isn't too visible.

I check the time quickly before grabbing my crossbow and leaving, locking the door behind me. Then I head to my post.

It's quite a ways away from the mystery shack and I think they put my post here so no one has to see me all day. Not like they did anyways but at least I know no one will even bother me if they don't have to. trust me they will go out of their way to avoid me.

It's pretty funny when it stops being so sad.

It's kind of chilly out today. I notice as I sit on the ground crossing my legs like a child would setting my crossbow to the side I put my hands in the space between my legs to keep them warmer than if they were just out. I never liked the cold even if it's not that bad.

Bringing one of my hands up I grab a strand of hair and pull it In Front of my eyes examining the abnormal yellow color. Nothing about my hair has changed except for this but why? Also why did it have to be in such an obvious place!

It's basically impossible to hide unless I tuck all of my hair into a hat and that would just look suspicious. Ford would catch onto something for sure even if it's just a quick glance at me. Then there's hair dye which in the apocalypse that's not much of a obtainable option.

I guess I'll just have to avoid them more than usual "HI YA!" a high pitched voice startles me out of my thoughts and I jump back scrambling to grab my crossbow.

"Shit sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." My crossbow is pointing at the person? Monster? Whatever, now I can get a good look.

She has long ankle length pastel pink hair that's burning a hot pink at the ends. Her eyes match the flames and she has pale skin and that's coming from me.

She's wearing a sage green turtle neck crop top paired with washed out jean shorts that are ripped at the bottoms. Instead of shoes he has the same hot pink flames covering her feet up to her ankles. If it wasn't as cold as it is I'd think she was just coming from a day at the beach.

"Hey, no need for the weapon, I'm just here to chill. No violence promise." She holds her hand out prompting me to shake it.

I lower my bow but don't take her hand. "You're one of Bill's henchmaniacs, Pyronica if I remember correctly based on the flames. Though you look much different now." I whisper the last part but I know she could hear it.

"Haha yep got it right. You can just call me Pyro though my full name sounds too formal." She laughs lightly like she just said a joke. I don't trust it.

"So I'll be straightforward here, why did Bill send you? What part of his fucked up plain is happening now?" She looked at me confused and I didn't get it. Why is she confused? I'm the one who should be confused, not her.

I take off my hood and hat and grab some of my hair in my fist "Like this nonsense how did he even do this! My eyes are fucking gold too I was in the mystery shacks barrier his magic shouldn't have been able to get me so how!" Her eyes widen and she takes a step back.

"Bill didn't do that Dipper. That's your magic not his though that big idiot probably didn't explain anything to you did he?" I shake my head and I find it kind of amusing that she referred to Bill as an idiot isn't he like her king or something? That's kind of disrespectful, but funny.

"Wanna sit, I can explain stuff to ya a bit if you want?" She's already sitting on the ground, her knees tucked under her. "This doesn't mean I trust you." To back up what I say I sit a good two or three feet away from her.

"Works for me!"

Hey sorry it took so long for me to write the next chapter I was going through some major writers block. Still here's the new chapter I hope you like it and I'll hopefully see you in the next one, BYE!

1067 words

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