Chapter 7

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Mable's P.O.V

~The mystery shack a few hours after Dipper left~

"Why are there so many eyebats?!" I take a deep breath in as I shoot another one down, normally this is so not my job. Today was supposed to be calm and I was going to drink with some of the others. We stole some good wine from the rations without Grunkle Stan or Ford knowing but now I have to do work.

This sucks "Wasn't this Dipper's job for the day, what the hell is he doing?!" I look over a Grunkle Ford and he looks equally annoyed as me.

"I sent Soos to go get him so they should be here soon." Just as he finishes his sentence Soos shows up but Dipper is not with him. He has an envelope in his hands and is seemingly running.

"Dudes you've got to see this it says it's from Cipher!" That gets everyone who is outside to quickly look over towards us.

"Let me see that!" Ford grabs it in a violently fast motion and opens it. For a quick second a gold light covers it and it turns into a hologram of Bill.

" Seems you idiots finally found my note, how long has it been since we left I wonder? Probably for a while, I sent you a gift of eyebats, hope you enjoyed it because I did not put much thought into it." The sound of his laughter sounds and the hologram continues talking.

"Sixer did you really think I wouldn't find out about who PineTree really was? You could not have been that stupid or were you just hoping I forgot about what you did?" I turn to look at Grunkle Ford to ask what he's talking about to see his face turn to one of anxiety.

"Don't think little ol PineTree will come back to you anytime soon he doesn't trust you as much as he doesn't trust me now, you messed up and lost what could of potentially been your best fighter and possibly the best weapon you could of used against me have a great time now I've got a world to rule. Remember reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!"

With that the hologram faded away and the envelope burnt to ash. Everything was quiet till Stan spoke up.

"What did you do this time Ford?"

This chapter is short I know but I figured a look at the rest of the Cipher wheel is needed after someone has been missing for a day. I hope you liked it and have a great day/night.

440 words

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