Chapter 9

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Dippers P.O.V

I stormed out of the throne room. You know maybe getting answers was not what I wanted. That's honestly not what I wanted to hear though I'm not sure what I was expecting.

It's hard to process but there's one thing I know for sure and that's that.

Fords an asshole, Bill's an asshole and even though I haven't met her Eirian Ashley is an asshole just for the mere fact that she brought me into this hellscape of a world.

I go into my room and sit on my bed.

These past few days have sucked and I'm honestly starting to wish Bill had killed me in the beginning of Weirdmageddon when we tried to kill him then absolutely none of this could have happened.

Or maybe even if we had not come to gravity falls for the summer then I would still have Mable and we'd be in highschool now. She'd be worrying about what boy likes her and I would be studying then she'd punch my arm and call me a nerd like old times.

I'd probably be bullied but I would prefer that over the apocalypse.

Instead now in reality I have to worry about this world's demon overlord being my father. My mother is some fae princess or probably queen now based on what Bill said. Mable hates me and so does most of the cipher wheel.

Love it life is so great to me and everything has definitely not gone wrong.

Can you hear the sarcasm or is it not obvious enough.

"Dipper?" A knock comes from my door and I recognize the voice as Pyronica. I slide down the side of my bed and crumple on the floor before I go and open the door.

"Yeah Pyronica, what do you need?" The first thing I see about her is a large smile. How is she so happy all the time? Seriously, I have no energy right now. It's honestly not fair.

"It's the members of the cipher wheel there allegedly here for you. If you want to have a civil conversation with them you might want to hurry because Bill is about to go off." All I have time to do is nod before I'm being dragged right back to where I came from not even 10 minutes before. There goes my thinking time.

She slams the throne room doors open, the booming sound stops all movement in the room and I look at the familiar faces. Everyone's here a good or bad thing? I really can't tell at the moment. Either way they all simultaneously turned to look at us.

"Dipper what the hell happened to you?" Ford of course was the person to scream first, should have known I could have placed a bet with Pyronica before I got here at least to get something good out of it. Plus it might have been funny if only for a second.

"I'll be honest I'm not quite sure. Bill did not do a good job explaining anything; it was mostly a dumb story." I roll my eyes but don't elaborate further and walk in front of the group.

"Why did you just disappear? You know we got swarmed by his army after you stopped your shift! Just saying you could have finished the shift than left, especially if you were going with the enemy." Mable's hand faintly gestures to Bill looking more annoyed than I usually see her. Impressive didn't know that could happen.

"Don't blame sapling for that. I actually sent them as a gift for you specifically after I brought him back here. Thought it would make you realize he was gone without any talking necessary. I was still kind enough to leave a note so you should be grateful for such a kind jester from me." It's my turn to be surprised but a few good seconds of actually thinking about and yeah sounds petty so he'd do it.

"Enough of.." I look at the group and limply gesture to them then Bill. "Whatever this is? Because I haven't a clue what is going on. I just want to know why you all are here. I don't believe it's just because you miss me. I might not trust Bill but I think I have less trust in you all somehow."

"Dipper of course you can trust us, clearly that demon has done something to you and fed you lies we just want you back where you're safe. We're your family of course." Stan comes forward this time stepping too close to me for comfort and I take a few steps closer to Bill much to my distaste but I know they won't come any closer to him.

"Mhm so all I hear is bullshit on top of more shit and I don't think we classify as family anymore unfortunately." I take a look at the rest and see Mable's eye start to twitch. I wonder how long that has been happening.

"You insolent brat we just need you to come back ok? So what if we all hate you you might be the only one able to kill Cipher so maybe instead of being selfish you help the only people in your life who gives a single shit about you. Do you really think that even your kind will like you? Just come back and do the only useful thing you can and will ever be able to do!" Mable finishes her spew of words I don't think I could take seriously if I tried but hey at least she was honest about how she felt about me.

I have to put my hand over my mouth to try and stop laughter from slipping past but from how my shoulders are shaking it's obvious to anyone that I'm laughing. This I think pissed her off more than I thought was even possible. I thought she was at her anger limit during her whole spew but it just gets better.

That's when a sudden realization hit me. I'm acting and even thinking like Bill it's so repulsive.

Snapping out of my thoughts I raise my hand up to touch my cheek, finally looking at Mable who's now in front of me and one of her hands is raised. We make eye contact and my eyes widen as I'm forced to take my hand off my cheek.

My cheek burns?

She slapped me?

I knew she hated me but... That hurts on another level. Somehow it's not a sad kind of hurt. No, instead I feel angry? Shouldn't I be sad? I'm never angry at her actions. Why does this bother me? Sure it usually hurts my feelings but never anger, not to this extent at least. I've always seen her as my twin. I can't hate my twin, or at least that's what I thought. Right now though I'm starting to question that idea.

"Get out NOW! or I won't hesitate to kill all of you right here and now!" I turned my head to look at Bill to see his hair and visible eye turned red, anger. As proof of his threat he throws a blue fire ball at Gideon, it grazes his arm and burns the clothes covering that area. I honestly forgot the rest of them were there.

"This isn't over Cipher! I swear well kill you!" Ford and Stan screamed in unison as they grabbed Mable by the arm and dragged her out of the throne room, the rest of the people following quickly after. Cowards, not even the guts to put up the slightest fight.

"Sapling, are you okay?" Bill asked in a soft voice, his hand on my shoulder. A stark difference from the violence that was held before. When did he get near me though? Did I zone out? Now I look at him, his color has gone back to normal. His hand moved towards my face causing me to flinch back but the hand on my shoulder stopped me from going too far.

"Hey, it's okay I was just going to wipe your tears off but I get it don't want me close." I look at him confused and touch under my eyes sure enough tears. When did I start crying?

Violently I pulled my shoulder out of his grip and hid my face in my arms. This is so embarrassing.

"I'm going back to my room." My voice is soft and weak but I think it helped get the point across to leave me alone. Then I just ran as fast as I could just to get out of there. I'm so truly pathetic. Is this what life is going to be like from now on? I'm not sure how long I can keep up with this crap.

So I finally updated I'm proud of myself with how much has been going on in the past few months. This is the last chapter for this book but I'm continuing the story line in the second book Life As The Prince Of Weirdmageddon.

It'll focus more on the plot and I plan to have more fun with it since I started this a while ago. So I hope you go and read it when I post it!

Anyways have a good day/night!

1469 words

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