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"Taehyung- Y/N?!????"

You both looked at the door to see a familiar person standing there with broadened eyes as if he had seen a ghost- correct, you were a ghost for him.

Taehyung stepped back, wiping his face before you slightly pushed him to go out.

"It's really you? Y/N!!!" You were taken aback as the person immediately hugged you tightly, you thought he would hate you too.

"Oh goshhhh" he wriggled with you as you smiled, hugging him. "How are you?" He pulled away, showing his gummy smile.

You heard Taehyung clearing his throat. The moment became thick again as the person realised the fact that it was actually you, who caused a drama years ago.

"I-I am good Yoongi" you looked down, a scoff left Taehyung's lips. Yoongi was Taehyung's close cousin and you both were close since he was also one of your friends.

"I should get going," you stammered, walking out with the suit. Sensing the tense environment, Yoongi didn't stop you. He knows Taehyung must have made a scene.

"She is my wedding planner," Taehyung spoke as he was getting constant glares from Yoongi, who didn't seem to ignore the red eyes and puffy face of both of you.

"What? When did you meet her? Did you do something? Taehyung, I told you to keep your calm when you see her again!" Yoongi was always possessive for you, being a single child, he has always seen a younger sibling in you. In Fact he was the only one from his family who didn't judge you.

"Hyung..." Taehyung sat on the bed, massaging his head.

"Hyung...she made me feel insecure about myself and made me feel bad that I couldn't assure her. If she was unsure then she could have talked to me, I would have given her assurance. After she left I was so doomed, I didn't even know where to find her and look after her. She ignored my calls and texts. Why? Was I not enough?" He felt his tears dripping down and buried his head in his palms "She made me hate her.."

"This is complicated" the latter sat beside taehyung and looked at taehyung as he explained everything to the elder.
"Do you really hate her?"

You walked out of his room with a heavy heart, the shining eyes making you stumble your way towards the washroom. You placed his outfit on the counter before slipping down into a moment of tears. You couldn't hold it, the anxiety rushing to your body like shivers with a panic. You looked at yourself in the mirror, throwing water on your face, the knot of thickness still in your heart.

After a minute of calming yourself, you looked at the clothes and sighed, you needed to get a new one.

Thankfully Jungkook arranged the hall again and now you walked out towards the car to get a new outfit, it took you 15 minutes to find another one and get it back to him, you commanded the staff to give it to him, it was the time for the ceremony to start.

You were taking care of the event while controlling everything on your walkie talkie as slowly the guests appeared. It's when it hits you, you will also have to face his family and maybe yours too? The courage left your body but you pulled it together, you will face whatever happens now.

Jungkook and you were taking care of the things when your eyes noticed his parents, they didn't see you but still you felt warm to see them. You realised it was the time when the soon to be bride entered the hall with her, taehyung wasn't here yet. You saw her, beautiful and elegant just like how he wanted his bride to be. But something bothered you, she was a business woman too but-

Your thoughts halted when he came, the whole attention was on him, he had the time stopped when his godly appearance, the hair tamed nicely, exposing his forehead as he slayed his dark blue tux and adjusted his tie coming to the stage. His eyes fell on you, just as cold as ice. You coughed looking down, you can never match his gaze. You smiled faintly, knowing he would restart his life happily without you.

The whole room was full with guests and you were taking care of the catering. Once you felt someone familiar near you, you turned around slightly, your heart quickened its pace, you looked here and there to find them, eyes welled up in tears, your eyes begging to see them.

There they were, standing at one of the tables, smiling softly towards the bride and groom. They were your parents....

Flashback three years ago:

You entered your house with slow steps because of the tiring day and plopped on the couch. You just came back from your college when your mom excitedly sat beside you with a huge grin.

"Mumma? What's the tea?" You nudged her elbow as she gave you a mischievous grin.

"Taehyung's mom camee~" she wriggled her eyebrows as you blushed at his name "awhh she told me about you and Taehyung." You blushed more, your mom knew about your crush on Taehyung but you didn't tell her about the relationship since it was still fresh.

"Your wedding is next month!" She squealed as you widen your eyes.

"Huh?" You blinked.

"Yess, you both are dating for quite a few months and you know Taehyung is 27, it's high time for him to get married isn't it?" She said, sitting straight.

"Yes but- mom we're dating for three months, isn't it too early? I am just twenty-" you tried speaking but she interrupted.

"Oh come on, twenty is a decent age to get married and moreover you both like each other from teenage it's just he confessed late but now is the time. You should get married and extend their family. His mom said she wants to see the heir soon" she giggles not seeing your tensed figure.

"M-mom, I am still in college, I want to work-"

"Don't start again Y/N, you don't need to study when you already have someone to depend on. Moreover, no women in our families work, women are elegant and beautiful, they don't need to look after others but their families and kids. Just take care of Taehyung, he will take care of you" she spoke seriously, you shook your head in disbelief.

"Mom! You know I want to make my career and do something, I don't wanna depend on anyone. I am not saying that I don't want to marry him but it's too early" you felt tears threatening to fall.

"Shut up! Don't talk back to me and don't even tell this to your dad, you will upset him. Y/N, his parents won't like it and think of him, it's high time he gets married and you're the best girl. Forget about career and studies. We'll meet his parents and please don't tell this to Taehyung, he is really excited, you will upset him." She stood up leaving you dumbfounded as you felt your little dream crushing. Previously when you had the opportunity to be an exchange student in France, they convinced you that you'll get the same study here but now you understand, they don't even see your studies as a matter of importance.

"Your sister was married earlier too but see she is so happy, you should learn from her" You blinked as tears fell, you were compared again. No matter how much your parents loved you, they never understood you. You knew your sister, she isn't happy, she was trapped in a toxic marriage but she couldn't do anything since she has kids.

No matter what you loved them, they looked happy but their daughter was a shame to them. A tear escaped your eyes as you quickly wiped it and looked at them not until their eyes noticed you..

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