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"You're just a daydream away. I wouldn't know what to say if I had you and I'll keep you a daydream away just watch from a safe place so I never have to lose."



"He's totally checking you out, Mike." Ashton elbowed Michael lightly and tried to discretely point at the tall brunette guy at the other end of the store.

"No he's not, Ash, now shut up and help me find a shirt." He said as he continued looking through t-shirts.

I stood next to them not saying anything because the thought of someone else checking out my best friend really set me off inside but I really couldn't do anything about it because sadly Michael wasn't mine.

"Michael, there's not a band shirt here that you don't already own." It was true. Hot Topic was Michael's heaven and since he worked in the store there was no way Michael would not abuse his employee discount whenever new merch arrived. There wasn't a shirt he didn't have and yet he still insisted on searching every day he wasn't working and attempting to find one.

"Hi. May I help you with anything?" The guy from across the room now standing in front of Michael. I failed to notice he was an employee here -he must have been new here because I didn't recognize him and I knew all the employees here- but I didn't fail to notice the way he was looking at my best friend, like a hungry horny vulture ready to attack his pray. I already hated this guy.

"No thanks, we're just looking." I answered for Michael. The guy who's name happened to be, Jake gave me a look before turning to Michael.

"Like I was saying, you need any help?" He asked once again. I let out a frustrated groan and I could see Ashton's amused face from the corner of my eye. Dick. On the other side I could see Michael paying no attention to the guy and continuing his search for his god damn band tees, which gave me a sense of relief.

"No thanks." Michael finally replied.

"C'mon cutie. You look lost. How about I help you and then I show you to the fitting room where I can help you undress too?" The second the words left his mouth I was ready to attack and snap his neck but Ashton was quick to react and held a tight grip on my arm before I could make a move.

"I work here every other day so I know where the fuck to look, bitch." The boys attitude was real and I loved when this side of Michael came out. It was rather hot. He grabbed random t-shirts from the stand and turned to Jake. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to the fitting room and have my boyfriend undress me."

I turned to Ashton who was looking at me with the same confused face as me and to say we were confused was an understatement. Next thing you know I felt a hand attach to my wrist and I was being pulled away to the fitting room. I was speechless, my eyes wide and I just didn't know what to say at the moment.

Before we could reach the fitting room Michael turned to Jake and said "we might get a little too loud in there so I'm just going to turn this up." He reached over the counter turned up the music and heavy metal was blaring through the speakers in the store way louder than usual.

I looked back at the two boys we left behind. Jake had his eyes and mouth wide open probably from the shock of what Michael had said or hinting at what would be "happening". Ashton just had a smug look on his face. He sent me a wink as I was pulled into the room and the door slammed closed.

I looked at Michael who had a sheepish smile on his face. "I'm sorry about that, Cal." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Its o-okay." I looked down at the ground my shoes suddenly becoming the most interesting thing in the room.

"I might as well try these on." He shrugged and grabbed a shirt. I nodded and was about to step out but was gently pulled back by Michael. "Stay. We have to make it believable." So I nodded again but inside my head I was screaming out no. The room was small and only meant for one person not two giant assholes. Michael and I were close and I mean real close so when he took off his shirt I could feel his bare chest rub against my arm and it took every ounce of self control not to reach up and run my hands on his chest.

It was a struggle for him to try on shirts in the cramped little room but he kept trying and every time we would bump into each other making the other bump into the walls or door which made quite a lot of noise.

In the process of trying on the last shirt we were moving around as much as we could trying to find a way to make a little more room. I turned around and moved a little trying to push myself up against the wall when suddenly my butt brushed over Michaels crotch a gasp left his mouth as my mouth went open and if I moved a little bit my butt would definitely rub against his crotch. As much as I liked this position this was getting weird and I had to move so I did. Michael let out a moan due to my movement and my eyes widened once again I could feel him getting hard and that was my cue to leave.

"I'm s-sorry, Mikey. I-I'll just g-go." I stuttered and rushed out of the room leaving him to deal with his problem. My face flustered and my breathing heavy.

"So you guys really did get it on." I looked up and saw a smug looking Ashton. I tried to respond but words wouldn't come out so I quickly shook my head.

He laughed and as if on cue a flustered yet frustrated Michael walked out and grumbled a quick "let's go" before rushing out of the store, out the mall and to the car and his hands over his crotch area the whole time.


Sorry for any mistakes I didn't go back to check for any.

This chapter doesn't connect to it's lyrics. Oops. But that's okay, some chapters might and some won't. That's life.

A Daydream Away ☪ malum (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now