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"We would go out on the weekend to escape our busy lives and we'd laugh at all the douche-bag guys chasing down their desperate wives."



I sat on a stool, waiting for the bartender -also known as my very close friend- Luke, to prepare my drink. My back against the bar I sat there watching everyone on the dance floor. Some moving to the rhythm of the music while others moved at their own pace.

One body stood out more than the others. It was Calum. There he was dancing. Swaying his hips side to side in the way only he knows how. The smile on his face letting everyone know he was having the time of his life. Even from a distance you could see the way his lips moved as he sang along to every song. The neon light illuminating his face and making the small beads of sweat dripping down the side of his face a bit noticeable in the dark room and he still looked perfect. Suddenly everything around him became a blur and my focus was on him and only him.

I no longer saw Ashton dancing and laughing next to him or the highly intoxicated woman that accidentally bumped into Calum from time to time. All I saw was his flawless body, hell, his flawless self moving to the rhythm of the music.

I stared at him for what felt like hours when in reality it was only 5 minutes. The 5 minutes it took for the song to finish. In those same 5 minutes Luke came back with my drink. After those 5 minutes Calum had had enough and made his way over and sat next to the empty bar stool beside me, I may have kept it empty on purpose just for him.

"Why weren't you dancing with us?" He yelled but only loud enough so I could hear.

"Drinking..." I simply said and pointed at my glass "and chatting up with Luke." He nodded.

"Speaking of... Luke, can you get me an Adios Motherfücker, pretty please? Thanks."

"Sure you can handle it this time, Cal?" Luke raised an eyebrow at him and a smirk on his face. Calum nodded confidently.

He really could not handle it.

"You're mine. Let's go home. Now."

"I don't want to go home I want to have fun and meet people and dance."

"But who am I going to boss around like a slave if you don't come with me?"

"Oh my gosh, too far Calum."

With that we bursted out laughing. We were mocking the arguing couple a few seats away from us. They've been arguing for 20 minutes now. You know the arguments about a girl going out the boy being a controlling asshole and wanting her to go home? Yeah. Well this was one of them.

Calum sat on the bar stool next to me. His laughter dying down a bit. He was without a doubt drunk out of his mind, not that I'm not but I was always better at handling my liquor. His head dropped to my shoulder and he closed his eyes a small smile on his face.

"How about we get you home?"

"You're always taking care of me, Mikey. Don't you want to be drunk? I like being drunk. I forget things."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. He looked so cute. The side of his face pressed against my shoulder and his words coming out slurred. He sounded like a little kid, having a bit of trouble with his enunciation.

Before my mind could make me even crazier I called a taxi and practically carried Calum out of the club and waited to go home.


a//n: can we talk about how for my graduation when I went up to get my diploma all I heard come from the front row was "MICHAEL CLIFFORD WOULD BE PROUD!" It was my best friend and how I put my llamas in the air and bc of it forgot to shake an important guys hand. Also it was amazing bc my two internet friends went to my graduation and I love them even more for that. It was a good day.

A Daydream Away ☪ malum (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now