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"You're just a daydream away I wouldn't know what to say if I had you and I'll keep you a daydream away just watch from a safe place so I never have to lose."



Rolland and Blake left back to Spain yesterday. They found a nice house to move into and were just going to get stuff ready for the move.

While they were here in America I didn't get to spend much time with Calum, Ashton or Luke, which is rare for us, but I guess I got caught up with showing those two around. I felt bad for that so I called up the guys and hoped they would want to do something soon and they agreed.

Although, I wanted to spend time with all of them I wanted to spend more time with Calum. So here I am parked in his drive way with a bag filled with Disney movies and some of his favorite junk food, in the seat next to me. If that doesn't say boyfriend material I don't know what does.

I checked my pockets for my spare key only to realize I forgot it. I knocked and waited a bit until the door opened and it was Calum's mom.

"Momma Hood!" I exclaimed as I attacked her with a hug.

"My other son!" She shouted and returned the hug. "How are you?"

"Pretty good and you?" we pulled away

"I'm great, darling." She smiled "I was just leaving just came by to check up on Cal." I nodded and smiled at her motherly need to stop by. "Calum! Michael is here! Goodbye Mikey."

"Bye Mommah Hood."

Joy was always like 1 out of 4 of our mothers to all of us. All our parents treated all of us like if we were their kids and I guess that's one of the reasons we're so close, because so is all our families. Smiling and shaking my head at the thought I made my way upstairs and to Calums room. His door was wide open and I leaned against the doorframe watched him as he seemed to be rushing to fix his hair.

"Trying to look good for me, ay?"

He jumped at the sound of my voice and had the funniest scared face I've ever seen.

"N-no. It's just a mess."

I shrugged him off and belly flopped onto his bed. Since our very first sleepover when we were little kids, I decided I loved his bed more than him. He always had a big bed because when he was old enough for a "big kid bed" his parents were afraid if he had a twin sized bed he'd roll over, fall and die or something, and it was the comfiest bed ever.

"So what's up" he threw himself on the bed next to me.

"Just thought we could hang out. I brought Disney movies and some junk food." I eyed the bag I placed on the floor.

"Oooh. Perfect. I'll go down and get some more snacks and you set up the movie. Okay? Okay." He ordered already making his way out of the room. I could hear his rushed footsteps going down the stairs followed by the sound of kitchen cabinets and the refrigerator opening and closing.

I set up the DVD player and tv quite quickly and Calum still wasn't up here yet. I sat on the edge of his bed looking around the room I have grown to love. Calum was a bit of a neat freak so everything had a specific place, specific order and nothing was ever out of place or all hell would break loose. I looked around and stared down every inch of the room. Everything in it's order except for my backpack I brought along that seemed so out of place in it's spot on the floor. I had the places and order of the room memorized due to the many times I've been here so when I saw a journal out of place and just sloppily thrown on Calum's desk I was quick to fix it for Calum. I lifted it up from it's spot and opened the desk drawer and placed it in there.

On the desk right where the journal laid was a page that seemed to have been ripped out and you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. I lifted the paper up and scanned through it.....

Dear whatever,
I still don't know what to call you. Diary sounds too girly. Even saying 'Dear' sounds girly. Ugh, whatever. Anyways...... Today me and Michael hung out and if my feelings for him weren't clear enough to me already I'm pretty sure they would after today. I really like him... No, I love him and I think I have for a really long time. He's perfect in every way and I want him to be mine but he'll never like me. I don't want to ruin our friendship if I tell him. I can't tell him that I'm in love with him.

I got to go shower now. Bye.

Yours truly,
Calum xx

I was so caught up and shocked at the words I was reading I didn't hear Calum make his way upstairs.

"Hey Mikey." I turned around startled by him suddenly talking and hid the page behind my back. "What do you got there?"

I hesitated and began debating in my head wether I should ask him if what I read we're true or play dumb as if I saw nothing.

"Cal, is this true?" He looked at my confused until I unhid the page and his facial expression changed from confused to worried. "Everything you said here, is it true?" I asked softly, my feet glued to the spot I was in. As much as I wanted to move I couldn't.

I didn't get an audible response from him, more of a slight nod. He looked down at his sock covered feet as if that were the most interesting thing in the world. I stared at him though he didn't even want to look at me. The small blush on his cheeks let me know that he was embarrassed I had found the page with his confession on it.

We stood there in silence the food that was once in his arms now scattered on the floor from being dropped. I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but before I knew it I gently pushed him against the wall and kissed him softly before pulling away my hands on his hips and forehead against his.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that."

"Same here punk." He replied softly as he played with the little strands of my hair and let out a soft giggle.

His giggle was the most perfect thing I could ever hear. Maybe my favorite noise ever and I wouldn't mind listening to it for the rest of my life. I stared into his beautiful eyes and couldn't help but fall even harder.

"Calum, be my boyfriend?"

"Of course, idiot. It's not like I like you or anything."

I chuckled and placed another kiss on his lip.

"Okay, smartass, how about we get to that movie?"

He nodded and we gathered our food and went to lay on the bed. I couldn't help but stare down at the beauty that I can now call my boyfriend. I smiled fondly at the beautiful boy cuddled up to me. The way he mouthed the lyrics to the songs that were being sung in The Nightmare Before Christmas. The way he could quote it word for word. How his eye crinkled when he smiled when Jack and Sally had a cute moment. He was just overall perfect in my eyes.

I spent most of the movie staring at him and I guess he sensed it because he looked up at me. He smiled and leaned up to place a quick kiss on my lips.

"I love you, Mikey."

"I love you too, Cal. Damn, how I love you too." I said softly "always have and I always will."

We leaned in and attached our lips again for a sweet kiss, this one a bit longer than the ones before. We pulled apart and I couldn't but smile. He cuddled even closer to me and we laid there just enjoying each other's presence.

I no longer had to daydream about how this would all be like because I actually had him.



Ta Da. That was the end and I'm sure this story sucked. I'm sorry.

Next//Last chapter is sort of smut (kind of not really) if you're not into that, it's not necessary to read it. It's more like a short bonus type thing.

A Daydream Away ☪ malum (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora