The Meeting

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Michael pov

I was near the front well near the mean dining room reading a book and that was when I heard someone come into the diner. I put my book down and got up to see who came to my diner also knew as my home and there was a small boy, I would say is a bit taller than me so he might be nine just like me. The boy looked scared of something so I go see what is wrong the boy had a bowl like haircut. Never in my life have I seen someone with a haircut like that he was looking around with fear in his eyes maybe I can calm him down a bit. I go up to him and tapped him on his shoulder he jumps a bit and look behind him to see me he seems to calm down bit when he saw me which is nice to know that he isn't scared of a nine year old but he wasn't really trusting me that much I can tell. I keep my distends from him to not make him uncomfortable 'hello there' he looked a little taken aback from the way I talked to him
'What are you doing here and why did you look so scared?'
"I was running and I got scared so by a vision that I get" I was surprised that he knew what I was saying not a lot of people know sign language so you could say I was taken aback
'oh sorry to hear that but do you know where you are or how to get home?' the boy shook his head "no I don't I just ran as fast as I could to get away from the monsters..."
'oh well you could call your mom I'm pretty sure if you said that you were at an old diner that isn't in use an more sure will know where you are' I offer a small smile to the boy
"Oh um ok"
'by the way what's your name I never got it'
"Will Byers and your name"
"Michael what"
"your last name what is it"
'oh Scarlett but if you want more then my first and last name its Michael Evan Scarlett'
"that nice to how long have you been here and are you alone?" I froze
'um this is my home and yes I'm alone here'
"Oh um how old are you?"
'I'm 9 years old'
"Oh" Will looked like he was in thought for a bit
"Um does this place have a phone or does this place even have power?"
'Yeah the diner has a phone and power!' I gave a friendly smile
'Follow me!'
I started off for the office
"So Michael you never really answered about how long you were here for"
'A year I was here for a year'
"That long wow...."
'Yea it's not too bad though well I don't think so at least'
We continued to walk and talk for a bit until we got to my dad's office. I pointed at the phone.
'the phone is right there and if you need anything yell ok'
"Ok and thank you Michael" I gave a small nod before leaving the office.

The Strangest FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin