In The Car

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Michael pov

We are waited for a few minutes for Ms. Byers to come and with Mike still looking out the window like what is so interesting out there that he wants to look out there instead of talking to me and Will.
‘What is out there that is so interesting out there to not talk to us’
Will gave a shrug and looks at me
‘If you ask about El then he will talk’
‘Stop bring her up please’
‘Ok sorry’
‘it’s ok’
I look at Mike and look at his hair it looks somewhat fluffy, I look at Will’s hair and I started to pet Will’s hair and smiles. Will gave me a smile and lets it happen
‘Your hair is soft’
‘Thank you’
I keep petting Will’s hair I eventually stop
‘Hey Will, can you ask him if he believes in ghosts’
Will gave me a nod before turning to Mike
“Hey Mike”
Mike looks at Will
“Michael wants to know if you believe in ghost”
“I guess”
I frown at Mike
“Ok thank you”
Will turns his attention to me again
‘He is really making it hard to get to know him’
‘Yeah, I mean he was always kind of like this”
‘He is getting pretty annoying with the small answers’
‘It does at times but he does talk a lot and you who he talks a lot about’
I clench my hands and I start to float up
‘Your floating’
My eye widens at this and I quickly go down to the seat and look at Mike and he was looking right at me
“Were you floating!”
‘No, I wasn’t your just seeing things’
“He said no he wasn’t your just see thing”
“Do you have superpowers! Are you like El!”
‘Mike you are just seeing things I can promise you that I wasn’t floating ok’
“He said Mike you are just seeing things he can promise you that he wasn’t floating”
“I know what I saw and you were floating”
‘I wasn’t’
“He said he wasn’t”
“Whatever I know what I saw…”
Mike turns to look out the window again
Oh my god what is out there that has his attention like really all I see are cars and people walking how is that interesting!!! Anyways I look at Will to see he was looking at me with a frowning
‘I feel bad...’
‘I mean we did call him crazy in a way’
I sigh
‘Ask him if he can be trusted’
Will nods and looks at Mike
“Mike Michael wants to know if you can be trusted”
Mike looks at both me and Will and nods
“Yeah, I can keep a secret”
I look at Mike sighing again and start floating again Mike’s eyes widen
“Woah you have superpowers!”
I look at Will then back at Mike
'More like supernatural power's
"He said more like supernatural powers"
"Supernatural powers?"
"He said yeah"
"What can you do"
'I can disappear and reappear and go through objects and well and when I feel like it I can make wings appear on my back'
"He said he can disappear and reappear and go through objects and well and when he feel like it he can make wings appear on his back"
"Are you a ghost from the upsidedown"
'No I'm not I come from a abandoned diner'
"He said no he is not he came from a abandoned diner"

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