On The Way

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Mike pov

I was looking out the window thinking who this Michael guy is and what he is to Will. I look away and over to Will and Michael to see them both do sign language and I was a little confused on way this kid is using sign language.
“Hey um why are you using sign language?”
‘Reasons that I don’t need to tell you’
I look at Will
“He said reasons that he doesn’t need to tell you”
“Ok rude”
‘it’s rude to ask why someone is doing something that helps them talk to others’
“He said it’s rude to ask why someone is doing something that helps them talk to others”
“Well sorry then….”
I look at Will then to Michael
“What are you to Will and where did you meet him”
Michael looks at Will maybe for help to answer. How do you need help answering a simple question like really, I just asked what he was to Will and where they meet
“He is a friend and we met at a diner”
“Friend then how come I never met him”
“We just met today, Mike”
“Oh ok”
I look back at the window.

Will pov

Why was Mike acting like this he really acted like this to younger people that is
I look at Michael and I can tell that he doesn’t really like Mike that much right now because of the way he was acting towards him and if I was him, I would feel the same way towards Mike
‘Hey Michael, I’m sorry about Mike again’
‘don’t be Will that the way he wants to act let him but he could a little less rude you ask me’
‘I guess’
‘Hey Will, can you tell him that asked what he likes please’
I gave a small nod and turned my attention to Mike and tapped his shoulder.
Mike looks that me
“Michael wants to know what you like”
“Why does he want to know”
“Mike, he wants to get to know you”
I hear Mike let a sigh
“I like comics and hanging out with friends and talking to El…….”
I frowned at the name El I haven’t really met El but I was told that she saved my life.
I look at Michael and he was frowning as well
“What did he say”
“He just said ok”
I look back that Mike to see that he was looking out the window again so I look down at the car floor.

Michael pov

I see Will look at the floor and I frown even more poor Will getting ignored by the very person that they call their best friend. That is not a best friend that’s not even a friend, I go and hug Will which he hugs back and I nuzzled Will’s cheek to comfort which it worked a little but he was still sad.
‘don’t be sad Will’
And Will gave a small nod
‘Does he always get so sad like this’
Will shakes his head
‘Only when he talks about El which is all the time so if you want to talk to him just ask about El and he won’t stop talking’
I Frown more at the mention of El’s name
‘I’m get sick and tired of this El person’
‘Honestly same here….’

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