The Byers Home

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Michael pov

I float to Mike and start patting his head as well as Will's head the only person that seem to like it was Will.

I keep patting their head but I look out the window and saw Ms. Byers on the way to the car so I quickly went down to the floor of the car just as Ms. Byers got to the car and put the things she has gotten in the back and got in behind the wheeler and she looks in back of the car

"Why are you on the floor Michael"

'Oh, um I just went to pat Mike and Will's heads and fell but I am fine'

"Oh well please go sit by Will"


I get up and move beside Will and sits down and leans on him starting to fall asleep as the car started to go. When I wake up, we were at pulling up to the Byers home I look at the house as the car went to a stop in front of the house. I get out of the car with the help of Will and with that me, Mike and Will go inside followed by Ms. Byers bring in the stuff she got

"Ok so I will be gone for a bit ok boys"

We all look at her and gave her a nod and with that see left. Mike went to the couch and sat down and Will brought me to a door and knocked on the door I thought that no one was in the room someone opened the door and there stood a tall boy also with a somewhat bowl cut like really what is with the bowl cuts are they like a big thing or something like but honestly maybe people with bowl cut are people to be trusted ok I'm getting off topic I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when he spoke

"Hey Will"

"Hey Jonathan"

The person who I now know as Jonathan looks at me as I hide behind Will but like who can blame me, I am meeting to many people in the same day like ok meeting people that are somewhat close to my age is ok I still am pretty shy and scared but not as much but meeting older people scares me more then meeting younger people ok, I'm getting off topic again and once again he pulled me out of my thoughts

"Who is that Will"

"Oh, this is Michael he is shy and only really specks in sign language"

Jonathan nods and kneels down and looks behind Will at me and me being me I try to hide even more behind Will but me and Will both know that I can't hide anymore behind him that I already am

'Hello there'

I gave a small wave at Jonathan

"Me and Michael are going to my room"


And with that I was dragged off to Will's room. When we got to his room, I look around it to see drawings and a poster of a movie that I have never seen before and from the corner of my eye I can see Will walking to a desk in the room and sits down I went up behind Will to see what he is doing.

'So that was your brother'

"Yup that was Jonathan"

'He seems nice a lot nicer than Mike'

"He is to those who are nice to us and if he likes you"

'Oh, does he like me?'

"I would say so yes"

'Oh, and his hair looks pretty soft'

Will laughs a little at this

'I kinda want to talk to him a little'

"Well come on then"

Will got up and left the room with me following after him to Jonathan's room once again knocking on the door and have Jonathan answer it

"Hello again" I wave at Jonathan again and waves back and this time I wasn't hiding behind Will


"What can I help you with"

'Can you kneel on the ground for me please'

And with that Jonathan does just that and I start patting his hair and lets out a small laugh at this and smiles a little

'So that is why you wanted me to kneel'

I nod 'also to give you something'

I put a necklace around his neck. Jonathan looks at the neck as he was getting up

'Thank you, Michael,'

I smile and give a nod and looks at Will

'Shall we go back to your room'

"Sure" and with that we went back to Will's room and he went straight to his desk and started to draw. I go up behind him and look over his shoulder

'What are you drawing?'

Will jumps a little and looks at me and blushes

"I'm drawing me and Mike"


"I think I'm going to give it to him"


Will nods

'Just remember take your time with this ok you don't have to rush into this'

"I know and I want to give it to him"

'Ok I will be right there beside you ok'

Will gave me a nod and smiles a little and gets up. Will leaves the room and I follow him we went to where Mike.

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