Batman & Red Arrow #4

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Bat and Arrow

Batman and Red Arrow slung down between
building on their grappling guns before coming to a landing on the roofs below.

"Is this the place, Alfred? I don't see
anything." Batman asked in his cool and collected tone into his comm.

"It is, sir. Bane is unloading a shipment of Venom on the dock just east of you." Alfred responded.

Batman and Red Arrow looked over but the dock was empty.

"Something's not right here. There's no one on the dock." Red Arrow gritted his teeth.

"Heat signatures read Bane and his goons down there carrying those crates by hand." Batman muttered as his masks eyes glowed red.

"Some type of cloaking device?" Red Arrow asked tossing his hands up.

"Most likely. But Bane isn't smart enough for something like that on his own, I wonder who's supplying him with tech like that." Batman tightened his grip on the edge of the roof they were hiding behind.

"Riddler? He may still be cross about losing his job at Wayne Enterprises." Red Arrow shrugged.

"He is capable, after all he created that brainwave television machine years ago. I'd say after we deal with this, we pay him a visit in Arkham." Batman stood up from his squatting position.

Red Arrow nodded before he pulled back an
arrow that was shot down toward the dock, it exploded as he and Batman jumped down from the roof swinging from their grappling guns again.

The arrow caused an emp blast which disabled the cloaking device and exposed Bane and his thugs.

"Huh? Batman?!" Bane shouted as his veins popped out on the side of his neck.

"Delivery hours are over for today, Bane." Batman started as he landed knocking out a thug with a swift kick.

"Ha ha! You won't be able to stop me this time, I've upped my dosage!" Bane grinned as he lifted his hand with a sick grin.

He cranked his venom on and started bulking up as the thugs all ran at Red Arrow who dodged, dipped and swung back at his assailants.

"It's time to make up for all the time you put me away." Bane grunted as he foamed at the mouth.

He towered over Batman who just stared back at him menacingly.

"You still think you scare me?" Batman stated simply.

He threw down a smoke bomb just as Bane swung his arms trying to grab the caped crusader.

Red Arrow backed up as he countered a swing from one of the thugs and flipped them away to the side and into the water. The second thug came up swinging a baseball bat which Red Arrow ducked under, he swept out the thugs legs and shot an electric arrow onto their chest witch shocked them unconscious.

The third thug kicked Red Arrow away and into a pile of crates. He leaned out of the wreckage to duck under a punch just in time, he then kneed the thug in the stomach and elbowed him away.

Bane swatted the smoke away from the smoke bomb but couldn't find Batman, but Batman found him as he leapt down onto Bane grabbing at his venom pack. Bane reached back and grabbed Batman by the right leg and ripped him off and flung him into the dock.

"Face it, Bane, you won't get away with this. You're too slow when you bulk up like this, don't you see?" Batman taunted calmly.

He jumped back at Bane swinging his fists but Bane slammed his fists down onto Batman.

Red Arrow backed up and kicked the attacking thug away before he beat him with his bow.

"When will they learn to bring back up?" Red Arrow smirked as he watched the last thug slump over on the dock.

He started running to assist Batman but was horrifically faced with the sight of Bane holding Batman up and slamming him down onto his knee.

"BATMAN!" Red Arrow screamed.

He pulled back two arrows and shot them at
Bane, one stuck into his shoulder, the other Bane caught right in front of his face before it exploded and released a smoke screen.

"Punk!" Bane grimaced.

He ripped through the smoke to notice multiple blinking arrow shaped devices on the crates of Venom right before himself.

"Huh?" Bane grunted as he stepped closer to examine them.

On a nearby street corner, Red Arrow knelt over Batman who he already strapped to a portable stretcher. While he hung his head the dock could be seen exploding in the background, just then the Batmobile also came rolling up and Red Arrow moved Batman into the secure rear of the vehicle.

Getting into the cockpit, Red Arrow looked at the flaming remains of the bridge almost reluctantly.

"Do hurry and get him here right away, Master Roy." Alfred spoke seriously over the comm.

He spoke over the screen in the cockpit as Red Arrow nodded still in disbelief.

"How are we gonna fix this, Al?" He gripped the steering wheel tighter as the turbo jet carried the Batmobile down the street back toward Wayne manor.

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