Batman & Red Arrow #5

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Out of the city and into the looney bin

Large cold steel doors rested in the doorway of Arkham Asylum. The dead walls held some of Gotham's most heinous criminals, those deemed unfit for typical prison systems. Isolated because of the great danger their mental states can be to others, including themselves, these inmates howled and groaned all hours of the day. Blood curdling screams can be heard at random, muffled by the heavy doors, windows and walls.

These same steel doors that seldom moved made a buzzing sound that lingered a moment before they began to raise into the ceiling. Into the curved hall of the Security Risk ward, Red Arrow stepped.

"Never smells any better in here." Red Arrow grimaced to himself.

He began down the corridor as some of the inmates took notice. Some gathered closer to their plexiglass windows to see what the hero may be doing here. There were scattered whistling sounds, profanities and banging on the doors and walls.

"Eat shit, Bat Brat!" One of the inmates muffled voices came through the thick glass as they banged their hands against it while he passed.

"Think I'll pass." Red Arrow shot a dirty look in passing.

He tightened his fist as he continued stepping down the hall, sad to see some of these inmates constantly landing back in here. No matter how many times he and Batman have put them away, it was clear that Arkham Asylum had been failing in its duty to reform these criminals before releasing them back to the public.

"Good to see you again." An armed guard stated from his position at a keypad before another large door.

"Wish I could say the same, you need to find yourself a new job, Hank. Maybe something less dangerous now that you and Lisa have had a kid." Red Arrow engaged as he came to a stop in front of the door.

"Man, if that ain't the truth." Hank chuckled before he tapped a few keys on a terminal next to the door.

"Baby still in good health?" Red Arrow asked with a grin.

"Yeah, they still have her hooked up to a couple machines to make sure she starts that way. Lisa hasn't left the hospital since little Jackson was born." Hank said with a face of worry.

"Well hopefully she'll be ready to leave the hospital soon. It must be hard not being able to take your baby home so long after his birth." Red Arrow spoke friendly.

"Yeah, yeah things are starting to look up. I just can't wait until my shift is over so I can go see them both. You keep yourself safe out there, Arrow." Hank chuckled as they waved at each other.

"You too, Hank." Red Arrow continued into the secure chamber.

Inside there was a large containment cell that took up half the room. There was also a team of guards scattered about, some holding rifles and weapons, others monitoring some computer screens and such. Then, I'm the cell was exactly what Red Arrow had come for. The Riddler was strapped to a standing chair, bolted into the floor on a swivel. He was also wearing a mouth cover as to not drive guards insane with his constant talking and riddling.

"I need to speak with him for a few minutes." Red Arrow spoke to a guard at the computer.

The guard looked to a few of the other guards, they all seemed well enough prepared for any mishaps. The guard at the computer nodded before pressing a button that disengaged the lock mechanism on the cell door.

Red Arrow walked over as an armed guard standing by the door let him inside the cell, and proceeded inside with him. Once inside the cell, the guard stood next to the Riddler. Red Arrow nodded before the guard asking his rifle to his back, then reached up and unlatched the Riddler's mouth cover.

"AAAAAAAALLLLRIGHTY THEN!" The Riddle burst with excitement almost jarring the guard and Red Arrow.

"Don't make me regret this, I'm giving you a precious chance to speak. Albeit for a couple minutes." Red Arrow squinted.

"Oh trust me, I'm utterly grateful for this opportunity. NEEEEEWWWWWWW YOOOOOOOOOOORK!" Riddler sang joyously.

"Boy do you belong here. Alright I'll make this simple. You were arrested while I'm league with Bane and Killer Croc, but it seems they were more interested in leaving you behind for a scapegoat." Red Arrow retold.

"Gaah I know! WHAT is the DEAL with THAT? I'm a great guy." Riddler scowled as he furrowed his brow.

"Seems to me you were just a pawn in their schemes. Must be tough getting used like that over and over." Red Arrow leveled with him.

"You've got no idea, kid. Or, ya know, maybe you do. Being the Bat's sidekick must come with its newspaper swatting." Riddler giggled.

"Not really. We treat each other with respect, like a real team should." Red Arrow crossed his arms calmly.

"Meh, whatever." Riddler sighed as he gave some unenthusiastic jazz hands from their restraints.

"That leads me to a question I have for you. That is, if you maybe feel like getting back at Bane and Killer Croc." Red Arrow smirked.

Riddler looked with surprise that he'd be so forward to ask for help like this. He squinted at Red Arrow trying to detect deceit, but sensed none. Riddler leaned his head forward as much as his shackles allowed.

"Are you asking for my help?" Riddler curled his lips up in his mouth so all his teeth were showing.

His boggled eyes shifted back and forth in thought. He looked to the side through his clear cell wall. He scanned the guards in his chamber carefully.

"Alright, where is Batman. WHAT kind of SICK joke is this? Show yourself Batty!" Riddler shouted as he continued looking around animatedly.

"No Batman, this is between just me and you." Red Arrow smiled almost warmly at Riddler.

Riddler seemed to ease himself back into his restraints. Then he made a puckered face and squinted his eyes in thought as he looked at Red Arrow again.

"Why should I believe you?" Riddler asked cautiously.

"You don't need to, I certainly understand if you don't. I was just thinking to myself, ya know, if not me then who could help Riddler get some pay back?" Red Arrow started confidently.

Riddler looked him up and down.

"Payback isn't in the Batman playbook. UNLESS you aren't as obedient as the Bat might prefer." Riddler tried to put his finger to his mouth in thought.

He glanced warily at Red Arrow again who stood stoically.

"I think I like how you conduct business." Riddler grinned before he began to chuckle.

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