Act 1: Again?

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Disclaimer: this is not a play, but with the theme and connections to Shakespeare I will be using the "Act" format title as a replacement for chapter or parts, I thought it was a nice touch. Okay onto the story..

It all felt so repetitive, life in itself is so repetitive. The saying "History repeats itself" couldn't have been more true to Juliette. She lived her life in a cycle of moving around constantly, she had lost count of how many times she was the "new kid". If she had to estimate it was around 14 times.

At some point the government thought her parents were behind some grand scheme, always moving without a proper rhyme or reason. She never complained, but to some extent it grew tiring. It affected her ability to socialize, the ability to build connections with other humans. She was always the odd one out and it became her life title.

She wasn't bothered up until recently, her mother and step father broke the news that they once again would be moving. Her mother was pregnant. It didn't upset her that her mother decided to have another child 17 years later, but the fact that she chose to have the child of a man who didn't love nor care about her.

Choosing to appease she didn't argue.. that is until her step-father included himself in their conversation.


"Whats all this trouble about moving?" My step-dad asks

I look towards the ground avoiding eye contact, when my mind goes blank, I know I can't escape his arguing tendencies but for some reason he sounds more amped up than usual.

"T-there is no trouble."

The darting look he shoots me feels like a million pin needles in my skin, the energy that radiated off of his body was enough to make you want to run and hide forever.

Just when I thought I'd be off the hook he aggressively grabs my face and forces me to lock eyes with him.

"There better be no trouble, because you know what happens when you give us a hard time."

He pushes my face away leaving a sting on my cheek, and I look over at my mother who has seemed to check out of this conversation.. how convenient.

As my step-dad walks away, I fight the tears trying to escape my eyes.. I refuse to give him any reaction.

"Why don't you ever stand up for me.. we've been dealing with this shit my entire life.. you left dad because he was abusive.. only to end up with a man ten times worse."

My mother looks at me as though I had broken her, and quite frankly I hope I did, all the jabs I took, the words that imprinted on my heart causing insecurity and trauma ,is something I could never erase.

"Juliette.. you know I try."

I look at her disappointed in her response.

"Try harder." I walk away heading to my room

I know the only thing that will help.. a book.

Reading is the only true escape from reality, you meet characters who you can relate too, you are exposed to new settings, different genres, different plots.. and lemme tell you, Its an alternate universe of pure bliss.

"What should I read?" I think to myself

I rummage through my many books and plays,

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen , Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, The Coquette by Hannah Webster Foster..

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