Act 2: Party Party

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"Why does Jason call Eddie a freak?" I ask Chrissy 

"Eddie is just.. eccentric. Him and his friends are a little weird according to the jocks, and Eddie is a super senior, he was supposed to graduate last year.. but he flunked." 

That would explain the weird stares he received, also his questioning of my classes "smart classes" as he said.

"Do you know if he has a tutor?" 

"Nope, not that I'm aware of. He doesn't seem to be interested in having a tutor." 

What was I thinking? I didn't know this boy, and today was my first day.. why on earth would I think he'd let me tutor him. 

The bell proceeded to ring for class, Juliette exchanged contact info with Chrissy, which excited Juliette since she now had her own room phone. There was nothing better than finally making a friend on the first day of school. Something she'd never imagine happening. 

Although she was excited about this new friendship, she could only think of the dark eyed boy, Eddie.. it made her feel bad that others saw him as a freak. 

That word hurt her in the past, she closely identified with that word from constantly being the outcast. In some way she had felt a pain inside of herself knowing that others get named a freak. At some point she felt overdramatic, but she knew from therapy it was okay to validate feelings even if they felt small.

She made her way to the last two classes of the day and before walking to her car, she ran into Lucas Sinclair.

"Hey Juliette."Lucas said 

"Hey Lucas, whats up?" 

"How was your first day at Hawkins?" 

"It actually went over way better than I had imagined."

"Thats good, I hope you know that you found yourself with the right crowd." 

"The popular kids?" 

"Yeah, they're pretty much untouchable." 

"Good to know." I reply 

From the corner of my eye I see a red haired girl glaring at me.. in almost a sinister fashion.. I am unaware of who this girl is. 

"Hey do you know that girl who is staring at me?" 

He turns around and immediately sighs "Thats my ex.. Max."

"Oh.. that might explain the absolute death stare she is giving me right now." 

He softly laughs "Yeah she's something special." 

"You seem to still be interested in her.. what happened between you two.. if you don't mind me asking." 

His smile drops "She went through some hard stuff.. her brother died last year.. well he was killed." 

My heart sank for her "Thats terrible." 

"Yeah it was rough for awhile, and I guess being in a relationship was just too much for her." 

"I see, well you seem like a really cool dude and I appreciate you coming up to me." 

He smiles and we bid farewells.

I hop into my car and parked across from me is Eddie.. the dark eyed boy. He winks at me and I kindly ignore it. 

As soon as I get home I see that my step-dad is home.. great. 

Now I can't peacefully share the adventures of my first day without him arguing. 

I walk through the front door and I hear the both of them arguing.. how nice.. 

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