Act 5: I'm Sorry.

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"Where am I?" I say wiping my eyes as I wake up, my head is pounding and I'm extremely confused

"In your house." Gareth says in a pissed off tone

I attempt to get up but ultimately fail.. I feel extremely weak.. or .. hungover?

"What happened?" I ask

"You really don't remember?" Dustin says

Eddie begins to grow nervous. Considering he had a dangerous amount of alcohol coursing through his veins , he had no recollection of how he treated Juliette. He thought to himself "What could I have done?"

"You remember Juliette?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well you humiliated her in front of everyone.. during lunch you basically announced your lack of interest in her."

My heart begins to race, there's no possible way I could've done that to her.. the guys know how much I have interest in her.

"You're lying." My tone changing from confused to angry

"Ask everyone at school.. they'll tell you the same thing I just said." Gareth answers

"How come I don't remember?"

"You were drunk, you ended up blacking out In your van after school, so we drove you here."

"Was she mad..?"

"No, she was hurt Eddie."

Eddie feels instant regret, he knows the only reason he got drunk was because his father attempted to visit him the night before. Him and his father never had a good relationship. Mr.Munson always had a tendency of reminding Eddie of his flaws and downfalls. Specifically the night his father visited him, he argued with him, and painful things were said. "You'll never be good enough for anyone Edward." Those words threw Eddie on edge.. so he coped with the sweet taste of tequila, and eventually mixed it with the burn of vodka.. so on and so forth. He knew his actions could not be justified.. but he had to make things right with Juliette. Everything he said was purely out of insecurity.

"I need to go make things right."

The guys look at me. With pity. I don't even have to explain why I got belligerently drunk. They know why.

"Are you good to drive?" Gareth asks

"I think so."

I rush out to my van, which thankfully Jeff drove here so It wouldn't be left in the School parking lot.

I put the keys in the ignition and I speed off to Juliette's house. I need to see her and make things right. If by chance she has grace in her heart to forgive me, I will never tamper with that forgiveness ever again.


She was still trying to process what had happened with Eddie. Some part of her felt a need to justify his actions.. he was drunk.. meaning he wasn't in a conscious state of mind. But to cope, she did what she does best..

She speaks.
O speak again bright angel, for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

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