Chapter 3

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"Summer Witness"

"Hi, Aether.

I meant to message you sooner but ever since you ended everything between us, i couldn't face you at all. So what i wanna tell you is that, that i am switching schools. Since my all time passion is music, i thought that i should go in that direction aswell. So i chose to go to MI academy the next year. Since i cannot be with you anymore, i don't have a reason to stay at Celestia Academy. Thank you for the wonderful times we spent together.

May the wind let you lead.


Summer. Most people's favorite time of the year who goes to school. The blonde haired boy was running up and down the stairs, always bringing things down the stairs and running back up empty handed. Curious what was happening?

Aether and Lumime was allowed to go to Inazuma beach for a week as a summer vacation. They were packing like crazy. The whole house was a mess at this point, everybody was rushing somewhere. The parents to work, the two siblings to the plane.

"We'll be going! Bye mom, bye dad!!" - A&L

The two was ready to open the entrance door and head out, but before they could the parents pulled the two of them into a huge family hug and that was their way of saying goodbye.




Half hour later they were at the airport. Aether went to check where will their plane be and when it arrives. As soon as he was back he tried to tell Lumine that he found where they have to go so they should go and do the registrations quick. Lumine though pulled her hand away and told her brother to wait. The blonde didn't understand what to wait for but as soon as he spotted a certain girl he already knew what is happening.

(A/N: I/C means insert character, since idk who to ship lumine with)

"Lumine!! Phew! Glad that i caught you! Sorry for being late!" - I/C

"It's okay darling!" - L

Lumine said and planted a small kiss on her lovers nose. My eyes just widened of shock and i couldn't help but ask...

"She's coming along aswell?" - A

"Mhm! Hope you don't mind..." - I/C

I/C looked at the blonde with a worried look on her face. She didn't want to be there only to be a bother.

"Oh no! Of course not! You're cool! I look forward to it!" - A

The blonde comforted the girl.

"Great! Okay let's do the registrations!" - L

Lumine said as she got a hold of I/C's hand and the three of them began making their way to the Airport Passenger Service Assistant.




The entire vacation was pretty calm and fun for the blonde. They had booked a hotel room for three people near the beach, wich had an amazing view of the ocean and the beach. Lumine and I/C shared a room while Aether had another one all to his own.

Msot of the time they went out to the beach, eat ice cream, play volleyball, just rest in the burning sun and talk to eachother.The blonde tought that this is the best vacation he ever had in a while!

Until friday came.




The three of them were sitting on the couch, watching tv together. Since the sofa was L shaped Aether too the opporrunity and took up the place where he could rest on his stomach, while the other two have cuddled up under a nice blanket at the other side of the couch. Suddenly a yawn could be heard from Lumine wich everybody snapped their view up to.

"Are you tired?" - I/C

I/C asked with a little smiley face as she admired her girlfriend's cuteness.

"Kinda.." - L

The blonde replied rubbing his eyes and staring at her lover with a light smile. The two of them turned to Aether and spoke.

"I think we should go sleep now. Tomorrow we will have to get up early." - L

"Mh. Alright." - A

Aether spoke as he reached for the remote and turned off the TV lazily. The two lovebirds slowly, blanket still around them stood up just like if they were only one person who just woke up from a 10 year long coma or if they just made the 1st steps on the Mars.

Slowly everybody headed back to their room and headed to sleep.





In the middle of the night the blonde just rolled and rolled around in the bedsheets, not being able to sleep at all. He tought maybe drinking some tea or milk would help him to fall back asleep. He got up carefully not to make any noise.

As he made his way out he heard a high piched muffled noise from somewhere, but he tought it was just the neighbour so he ignored it. He went into the kitchen, grabbed a mug and the milk from the fridge and poured it into his mug, drinking it. When he was done he placed the mug into the sink, placed the milk back into the fridge and began carefully headinf back inside his room.

I mean he would have if something wouldn't have caught his eyes. He noticed that the room Lumine and I/C was in had its door open. He carefully tippy-toed to the door in the intention to close it for the two, but the closer he got the more high pitched muffled noises he heard. He chose to take a peek inside the little opening and his jaws dropped.

Lumine was behind I/C. I/C had her legs spread, her head was thrown back on Lumine's shoulder and she covered her lips with one of her hands. With one hand Lumine graspes I/C's breast, while with the other she thursted two fingers inside of her lover's entrance. The blonde girl placed soft kisses in the mean time on her lover's neck.

"L...L-Lumine..." - I/C

"Yes darling?~" - L

She smiled with a mischevious, lustful smile at her lover.

"P-put in another finger... Pl-please... Hah~.." - I/C

I/C whispered between her breathy, high pitched moans. In a bit Lumine thrusted her fingers in her harshly that I/C moaned out loud, immediately covering her lips.

"I decide the pace. Not you.~" - L

Lumine whispered into her lover's ear with a playful tone. At that moment Aether covered his lips, turned around and just stared infront of himself in absolute awe. Yeah he knew that this kind of thing happens with couples... but he couldn't believe that his sister, who he looked up to the most has already lost her virginity and is being so sinful.


He quickly began rushing back to his room and hid under his blanket, trying his best to forget everything he saw. The blonde truly hated this vacation. He didn't want to see such thing at all...

1160 words!

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