Chapter 5

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"Serious talk and Venice"

It has been weeks since the blonde and the teal haired met. They've been getting along pretty well. They always teamed up when there was a group work in class and they always hanged out together. They even consider eachother as friends now, both of them.

"Morning!" - A

The blonde opened the classroom door waving at his friends with a wide smile.

"Hi!" - C&T

"Hi Smiley boy!"- X

Aether looked confused at the dark haired as he made his way to his seat. As soon as he settled he turned around to the teal haired and asked the teal haired.

"What? Smiley boy?" - A

"Oh uh, nothing." - X

"No, say it." - A

"Nothing, just ignore it." - X

The dark haired heard no words from the blonde and he tought he was safe, until the blonde grabbed his chin and purned him to himself, slamming their forehead to eachother's, Aether looking onto Xiao's amber brown eyes with intensity.

"Spit it out." - A

The dark haired boy's eyes widened and he just kept silent as he stared into the sweet pair of golden eyes. After a bit Xiao replaced his forhead with his hand and pulled away from the blonde.

"You just remind me of an old friend." - X

"Oh i see." - A

The blonde said as he nodded and pulled his head away from the dark haired's hand.

"Xiao, can you give me a corrector?" - T

"Sorry i don't use one." - X

"Oh well thanks anyways" - T

Tighnari said before turning back to his lover. Aether just stared at the two, his minds getting flown over with wishes. The dark haired noticed that and chose to start a serious, no, their first serious conversation.

"Aether? What's on your mind?" - X

He spoke as he placed his hand on Aether's shoulder through the desk, the blonde slowly turning to the teal haired.

"Ah, nothing important." - A

The blonde smiled and itched his back awkwardly.

"C'mon say it." - X

"Ugh, fine..." - A

Aether said as he settled himself in a comfortable position, ready to talk.

"Tighnari knows this, but you see it is pretty difficult for me to find interest in anybody." - A

"What do you mean?" - X

"Love interest." - A

Xiao blinked at that slowly, showing the blonde that he is indeed listening.

"I cannot find myself truly fall in love. And the fact that i feel guilty or lonely whenever i see a couple is just truly a bad feeling." - A

The blonde sighed.

"Why'd you feel guilty?" - X

Xiao said as he began caressing the blonde's shoulder with his thumb. The blonde tensed up under the teal haired's hand, his eyes widened but then he just tried to ignore the fact that Xiao was just caressing him like that, wich was honestly hard for him. It was too comforting.

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