Chapter 9 Underwater Cave

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Exactly two weeks after the whole news incident and reporters were still swarming around the coast with their stupid cameras.

"I thought this would blow over by now, we haven't been swimming in forever and I'm starting feel really dried out." Katie complained as she plopped down onto my bed.

We had been meeting to hang out in places other than the cove recently, like the juice hut, my house, and Katie or Amber's house.

But we needed a change, we needed to swim, mermaids can't go without water for two weeks without consequences.

"No amount of moisturizer can fix this." I sighed, rubbing my arm with a hand.

"Agreed." Katie sighed.

"I'm so done with this, we should go to the cove to at least check and see if there are any cameras. If not then that means the cove hasn't been discovered yet. Besides by those two snopping boys." Amber growled.

She got to her feet and went to stand in the doorway, looking back at us she said, "you coming or what slow-pokes?"

"Oh you wanna know who's slow? Have you seen yourself?" I teased.

"Haha very funny Arina." Amber sniped, punching me in the arm.

Soon we all headed downstairs and out Katie's front door.

"It'll be so good to swim again!" I cheered.


I glided through the water with Amber and Katie on either side.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over at Katie questioningly.

She pointed at the surface of the water and I spotted a small fishing boat about fifteen yards up.

A net was let down so we moved on quickly.

As we circled back around to the cove, I spotted something, it was a spot darker than the rest of the ocean around us, set in the side of the cliffs.

Katie and Amber kept swimming and didn't notice me stop, as I swam closer to the dark spot I realized that it was some sort of underwater tunnel.

I looked back at Amber and Katie, who were now a ways away, before swimming cautiously into the cave.

There was an air pocket up ahead, and I surfaced into the most beautiful cave I had ever seen, (and unlike most people, I've seen a lot of caves, don't judge) there were a few openings along the side of the cave about 15 feet up, that let in the sunlight. In addition to that, the sun reflected on tiny little stones that sparkled brilliantly and lit up the rest of the cave like stars against the night sky. The pool that I was in was shades of blue, and for some reason, most of the light in the cave came from the pool itself.

The whole place had a peaceful feel to it, I felt safe here. The cave floor was solid and covered in soft sand and smooth dark rocks of all sizes. There didn't appear to be a land entrance either.

As I looked up the side of the wall there appeared to be a ledge that wound up until it got to the first wide opening , it was wide enough for a few people to stand on.

This place is special, I thought.

Then I remembered Amber and Katie, they must be looking for me or wondering where I went! I ducked under the water and left the pool quickly.

Just as I suspected, Amber and Katie were swimming around peeking behind rocks, probably looking for me.


"It was the most beautiful cave I've seen! And I felt so safe there!" I gushed to my friends as we sat sunbathing on the beach at Coral Cove.

"The most beautiful cave you've ever seen? How many caves have you seen!?" Amber asked incredulously.

Ignoring her sarcastic question I continued. "One thing is for sure, there is something special about that place." I sighed, looking out at the water.

"Can you show us tomorrow?" Katie asked.

"Of course! But knowing Amber she will go find it herself before I get a chance to show you." I said with a pointed look at Amber.

She shrugged and gave me her best innocent child face. "Who me? Nah I'll wait." Amber nonchalantly laid back and closed her eyes.

"Good, because I want us all to see it together." I stretched, just as my tail started tingling and turned back to legs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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