Chapter 8 In hiding

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I opened my eyes the next morning and jumped out of bed. Then rushed to the bathroom and got ready in a record time of 2 minutes.

Grabbing my phone I speed dialed Amber and Katie.

The phone rang twice before Katie picked up, three times and Amber was also on the line.

"You guys got caught!" I exclaimed angrily, then I took a deep breath and quieted my voice.

"I'm so sorry, it was my fault I wanted to stay and play with the seals longer!" Katie wailed.

"It's not your fault Katie," Amber paused. " I wasn't keeping watch for people and they saw us before we could get away." She sighed.

"You guys know what this means don't you?" I said with a frown, "no more swimming to the island for awhile." We all sighed.

"Meet me at Coral Cove in 10 minutes." I said.

"Okay I'll be there." Katie and Amber both said in unison.

Then the line went dead.

I pressed the end button and grabbed my backpack, it had a few nessesities in it.

I flew down the stairs and out the front door.

"IM LEAVING TO MEET AMBER AND KATIE, DAD!" I yelled before slamming the door and booking it double time down the street towards the pier.

Before I went down the path to the cove I looked around for anyone who might see me and be suspicious.

Seeing as the coast was clear, I slipped down the path to coral Cove silently and came out on the beach.

I sat down on a rock and looked out to the ocean. A couple of seals surfaced out in the waves, I smiled watching them play and splash in the water.

I stood up and dropped my backpack next to the rock before running towards the water. I dove in head first and 10 seconds later I had my tail. I swam out to where the seals where playing, they stopped and looked at me curiously.

I smiled and splashed around a bit before climbing up on a nearby rock to wait for Amber and Katie. My tail shimmered and sparkled in the sun.

The seals watched me for a moment longer before diving under the surface and disappearing.

I took a deep breath of ocean air and smiled. If only we could go to the island and see the baby seals again. I thought, but no, there would be a lot of people out there snooping around trying to find clues about mermaids in Oceanport.

I looked back to the beach just in time to see Amber and Katie walk down the path and onto the sand.

I waved to get their attention and Katie waved back. She pointed me out to Amber and they dove in the water.

Soon Amber and Katie joined me up on to the rocks.

"So what were we gonna talk about?" Katie asked with a questioning look. "You forgot to mention that in the call."

"Yea because it's a call and we came here to talk about it." Amber said, splashing her tail about dramatically.

I sighed and leaned back against the sun warmed rocks.

"Well then what was it." Katie sighed.

"I think it's quite obvious that we need to talk about what happened yesterday. You two are on the news!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "You need to be more careful!"

"I know, I know, I guess that you're right, we were careless and now the world knows that we're mermaids." Katie muttered, not making eye contact.

"At least they don't know WHO we are." Amber said optimistically.

"Alright, but no one swims anywhere near where people fish or swim." I ordered.

"Deal." Amber and Katie said in unison.

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