Chapter 7 Caught

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"Mom!" I yelled as I came through the door. "I'm home!"

My mom walked in from the living room. "Arina! Were have you been all day?" She asked.

"I was out with my friends, Katie, and Amber." I responded.

"Oh! Are they the nice girls I saw you walking with on the pier?"

"Yes, what were you doing at the pier?" I asked.

"I was looking around, exploring town." Mom replied.

"Ohhhh, ok, can I talk to you? Out back on the patio?" I asked.

"Sure sweetheart, let me go get the cookies out of the oven and I'll bring them right out along with some lemonade from the fridge!" Mom smiled and rushed off to the kitchen.

I walked down the hall on my way to the patio, as I passed by the den, April jumped out and blocked my way.

"What do you need to talk to mom about huh?" She pointed her finger in my face quite rudely.

I rolled my eyes, "None of your business , now can you please move?"

April folded her arms across her chest. "No, not until you tell me what your going to talk about."

I gritted my teeth, "what are you a 10 year old stalker in training? Why don't you stuff a sock in it." I pushed my way past April and stormed angrily down the hall.

I opened the door to the patio and sat down in a chair.

Soon the door opened behind me and my mom came out, carrying a pitcher of lemonade and a big plate of tea cookies.

I stood up and took the pitcher, then I set it on the table.

"Wait right here while I go inside to get some cups." Mom said before hurrying back inside.

I sat down and took a cookie, and while I munched on it I thought about what I should say.. "Mom what do you do when someone sees you in the water as a mermaid?" She's going to kill me for being so careless!

The door opened for a third time and my mom came out. She filled up two cups full of lemonade a dropped in some ice before sitting down and taking a cookie for herself.

"Now, what did you want to talk to me about sweetheart?" She asked after finishing her cookie and taking a few sips of lemonade.

"Well... Uhhhmmm." I twirled the dolphin charm on my necklace nervously.

Mom looked concerned. "Did something happen sweetheart?"

"Well, um..." I started, then I took a deep breath and told my mom everything, about Katie and Amber being mermaids. Well, I told her ALMOST everything, I left out the part about those boys who are trying to catch us on camera.

My mom almost choked on her second cookie. She looked up at me surprised, then her face broke out into a huge smile. "You actually found other young mermaids!?" She stood up and pulled me into a big hug.

"Yea mom, it seems that I have." I laughed nervously and hugged her back.

"Honey this is great! Now you have someone to share the thrills of being a mermaid with! Besides me and your sister of course!"

Oh right! I forgot to tell you that my sister is a mermaid too, I very very annoying one who won't stop looking through my stuff and taking whatever she wants from my room.

Mom took another cookie and handed it to me.

"Don't tell April please, I don't need her following us around everywhere." I begged.

"Okay, but you should include your sister once in awhile, I want you to take her swimming with you sometime this week okay?"

I sighed, "okay mom."


When I stepped into the house I practically ran into April who had obviously been eavesdropping in the hallway.

I folded my arms across my chest and glared at her, "why would you eavesdrop you little sneak! Do you know how rude that is!?"

April glared back at me before running up the stairs into her room and slamming the door.

"Yea that's right, you run and hide." I muttered angrily before continuing into the living room. I grabbed the tv remote off the coffee table and switched it on.

And what a coincidence, the first thing on tv was a news story on mermaid sightings. I guess a lot had been seen of the coast in Maine, California, Florida, and around the islands of Hawaii.

I was about to change the channel when the reporter suddenly said. "We are getting a live stream right now from locals in Maine! They have just spotted mermaids on a small island 2 miles off shore! We are about to show you the video!" I stopped, the tv remote still in my hand, suddenly the live steam video came on screen, my eyes popped out of my head in horror and my jaw dropped. "AMBER AND KATIE!?" I whisper screamed because my voice had seemed to stop working.

I kept watching the video, Amber and Katie suddenly noticed the boat and they scrambled towards the water, everyone on the boat was freaking out and they moved the camera around way to much so it was hard to see what was really going on.

I gritted my teeth anxiously until Amber and Katie had dove under the water and hopefully escaped.

The video stopped and the reporters voice came back on, "wow. Did you all see that? Real mermaids folks, we will try to gather more information from the people who sent in the video. So come back tomorrow to hear what they have to say, that is, if, we can get them to take an interview."

I turned off the tv and walked out of the living room slowly.

What just happened? I thought as I stumbled up the stairs to my room.

The mermaid of Coral Coveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें