Chapter 4 A third mermaid

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Amber and I walked down the docks towards the little juice hut which was now our favorite place to hang out besides Coral Cove. It had been a week since I discovered Amber was a mermaid.

When we stepped inside the little juice hut a girl approached us, I thought that she looked somewhat familiar, then I remembered, "She's the girl who was spying on us at Coral Cove!" I whispered to Amber. She nodded.

"Hello!" The girl sounded friendly enough, "I'm Katie."

I looked at Amber uncertainly. "I'm Arina and this is Amber..." I smiled.

Katie reached into her pocket and pulled out a few dollar bills, "Do you guys want some smoothies? My treat." She smiled.

"Sure why not!" We walked up to the counter, "You guys like Seahorse swirl?" Katie asked.
Amber and I nodded.

"Three seahorse swirls please, to go." Katie told the lady behind the counter.

We walked to a table and sat down to wait for our order.

"So... Are you new here Arina?" Katie asked.

"Yea I am, my family moved here only a few weeks ago." I said.

"Oh... I see. Do you like it here?" Katie asked.

"Yea I do, it's great!" I responded with a bright smile. " I especially love the ocean."

Amber gave me a warning kick under the table.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. I shot an angry glare at Amber, she smiled and shrugged.

"Here are your smoothies ladies!" A kind looking waitress set our drinks down on the table and smiled.

"Thank you!" Each of us said one after the other. We picked up our drinks and Katie gave money for our order to the lady behind the counter.

We stepped out of the juice hut and narrowed our eyes against the bright midday sun.

"Let's go for a walk on the docks, and by the way, thanks for these smoothies Katie!" I said.

"Yes thanks!" Agreed Amber.

We stepped onto the docks and began walking.

A boy was walking towards us carrying a bucket of water that was full of fish, suddenly he slipped and the bucket of water splashed all over Katie, she gasped and dropped her smoothie.
"I am so sorry!" The boy exclaimed. Suddenly Katie took off running around a fishing supply shop.

"Katie!" I exclaimed. Amber and I exchanged a glance and ran after Katie.

I looked back at the boy who was standing there looking shocked. "It's alright! She'll be ok!" I called.
He nodded and began picking up the fish that had flipped out of the bucket.

I saw Katie run into a shed and slam the door. Amber and I knocked on the door but not before we heard a shimmering kind of sound. "Katie? Are you alright in there?"Amber called.

"I'm fine! I will be right out." Katie shouted.

"Ok then." I looked at Amber and we sat down out front of the shed. We sat there for quite a while sipping our smoothies. I got to my feet about to knock on the shed door, when Amber got up clumsily and slipped backwards into the shed, the door flew open and I gasped. Katie had a tail. A mermaids tail.

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