Chapter 2 Mrs.Wilson

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"Arina!" the voice of my younger sister jerked me into consciousness. I groaned, blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I sat up in bed. "what is it?" I said irritably.

"Some girl named Amber is outside waiting for you, she said she wants to give you a tour of the neighborhood." my sister replied with a hint of impatience in her voice.

"I'll be right out April. Just give me a minute, and tell Amber that I will be down in a bit." Yawning as I climbed out of bed, I pulled on a pair of jean shorts over my bathing suit and a t-shirt, my sneakers were next.

I opened my bedroom door and tiptoed across the hall to the bathroom, where I hurriedly combed my long thick hair and brushed my teeth.

"I'm coming Amber!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs and through the kitchen, grabbing a piece of toast from the counter. "Bye Mum! Bye Dad!" I yelled over my shoulder, crashing out the front door I almost knocked Amber over. She looked at me in surprise. "Well that was graceful."

"Yea well I'm not exactly an early riser." I replied. "where to first?"

"I'll show you town and a few of my shortcuts." Amber turned around and pulled me down the sidewalk.

The next hour or two was Amber dragging me through her many shortcuts and a number of shops that Amber knew the owners of.

In one of the shops called Fishermen's Corner I found a beautiful starfish hair accessory, I picked it up and turned it over.

Amber walked up beside me. "oh, I have one of those at home! If you get them just right in your hair they look great!" Amber smiled, I smiled back and let Amber put the starfish in my hair, she pinned it on the side just above my ear.

"That will be two dollars!" A kind looking old woman said, coming out of the back of the shop.

"I'll take it!" I smiled, reaching into my pocket for some money, I always carry at least five dollars with me wherever I go.

I handed the woman the two, dollar bills and she said, "you're new around here aren't you hun?"

"Yes I am, my family just moved here from Georgia a few weeks ago, we just finished unpacking yesterday." I replied.

"Oh I see." said the woman with a warm smile. "well, you can pick something from this store as a welcome to Maine gift!" she motioned all around the little room with her hand.

"Really?" I asked. "anything?"

"Of course! I have plenty of stuff in the back, so one little trinket won't hurt!" the woman said.

I looked around for something I might like other than the starfish, which was already payed for. Then I spotted it, a beautiful silver dolphin necklace. I took it off its display and showed it to the woman. "Would this be alright?" I asked.

"Well I said anything didn't I?" She smiled.

"Thank you!" I said enthusiastically, putting the necklace on, I found the dolphin charm felt warm against my skin. Amber waved to the lady as we left the shop, "thanks Mrs.Wilson!" she called. "Goodbye dears! Enjoy your necklace darling!" She waved after us, I smiled and waved back.

As we were walking down the pier Amber reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace with a silver and gold colored seahorse on the chain, "Mrs.Wilson gave me this necklace when we moved here five years ago, I was 8 years old." She said, then she put the necklace on. She looked over at me with an excited gleam in her eyes, "Want to go to my favorite spot in this town?"

"Wheres that?" I asked curiously.

"Coral cove." Amber whispered.

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