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"Stop calling me that! It's not my name!" I yelled in the back of her van.
"Yes it is. Look if you would just cooperate I can show you what you need to see." She replied, annoyed.
"You won't run away?" I could see her face now, and something inside me told me I knew who she was.
"No. But please just untie me."
"Okay." So she cut the ropes from my legs. "I'm keeping the one on your arms until we get in the house." I grunted out of frustration. She swung open the door and I saw a familiar looking home. She led me to the door and opened it. As soon as I was inside, the memories rushed into my head. I saw myself, scooting backward on the floor, then going into the kitchen and grabbing a knife. Then I saw my body get grabbed from through a glass door. I was stolen. Kidnapped by my own father. The girl I was with was my best friend. Her name is Naperville. And my name is Kate.

Kidnapped 2Where stories live. Discover now