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"Mum are you not going to do anything about this?" I begged, trying my best to hold back my tears

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"Mum are you not going to do anything about this?" I begged, trying my best to hold back my tears.

Arguing with my parents was like punching a solid brick wall. At the end of the day, it's only going to hurt you.

"Your father's right, Sloane. You are ruining the family tradition of going to Oxford for this stupid dream of yours to become a dancer. What would the girls at the country club think when I tell them that my daughter who got a partial scholarship to the University of Oxford decided to pursue a moneyless career in dance instead?"

"For god's sake mum, the only thing concerning you is what your posh, stuck-up friends from the country club are going to think?" I scowl at her fully aware that all of their staff could now hear us. "You're my mother. You are supposed to love me, support me. BE THERE FOR ME FOR FUCKS SAKE."

"THAT IS ENOUGH SLOANE DIANA NORRIS" My father yelled in the tone he used in politics when he got mad. "Your mother and I do nothing but support you. You have gotten everything you have ever asked for but you're too much of a spoiled brat to appreciate anything. I want you out of this house by Tuesday morning before dawn. I will be calling my lawyer to get you taken out of the will and removed from the family trust fund."

I stood there in shock. Out of the house by Tuesday? Removed from the will? I have never had a job before. How was I supposed to get money?


"I'm really going to miss you" I cried into the crook of Chef Susie's neck. We both had mascara running down our faces but neither of us cared, we both knew that this was the last time we would see each other for a long while.

"If you ever need a chef you know who to call." she joked, wiping away her tears from under her glasses. "Or if you need someone to talk to I will always be just a phone call away."

"I know Susie. But you have to promise that whatever I tell you cannot be repeated to mum or dad."

"You already know I wouldn't do that my love." she replied calmly


I walked away hearing him mutter something under his breath knowing that if I even waited for another second before leaving my father would not hesitate to call his security and have me escorted.

I had slid handwritten notes under both of my younger sister's bedroom doors. Telling Riley the full truth and Leah what I knew she would be able to handle. I loved my sisters more than anything, and it broke my heart that Riley would become my fathers new verbal punching bag now that Bella and I were going to be gone.


It was about a hour and a half drive from Surrey to London. I normally loved long drives, despite the busy roads and impatient people I loved nothing more than forgetting everything and focusing on the road, wondering how it was possible that all these other people were going to their own place, had their own families and problems, yet somehow they got to the point when they were also driving on the motorway at the same time as me.

My father had gotten me a modest one-bedroom flat because despite not loving me if word got out that he disowned his 19-year-old daughter and left her on the streets, who knows what that would do to his already shining reputation.

Blasting Chase Atlantic through my car's speakers was something that was done on a regular basis. However, instead of heading towards the place that I would have to call home from now on, I found myself driving towards a random strip club that apparently catered for regular people. Not crackheads who would likely kill me in a private room. Not the upper-class politicians and well-known athletes who loved nothing more than to cheat on their wives. But regular people. Ones who lived in a regular house had parents who loved them and would put their heart and soul into caring for their kids.

After easily getting past the bouncers I walked up to the nice-looking man at the bar.

"Hi, my name is Sloane Norris. I was wondering if there was a manager here, I'm looking to get a job."

"Hi Sloane, I'll call Mattia now, I'm pretty sure he's in his office but you just never know with that guy." he laughed. "I'm Jackson by the way." he put out his hand for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you, Jackson." I replied shaking his hand.

Jackson wasn't bad looking, in fact, he was good-looking. He had straight blondish brown hair with a middle part so it came down either side to his ears. He had black, round glasses that complemented his face shape perfectly, brown eyes that were the colour as the bourbon behind him and a small tattoo of roman numerals on his wrist.

After I was done admiring him, a man walked in from the door behind a bar.

"Ahh, you must be the reason I got a call from Jackson" he exclaimed sounding overly excited. "Mattia Chief. My wife and I are the owners of the club.

"Nice to meet you, Mattia, I am indeed!" I responded laughing a little. "My name is Sloane Norris and I am here to apply for a job."

After talking to Mattia for a little bit I had gotten to know him quite well. He was in his 50's and definitely not the best-looking guy in town. He had grey hair and quite a bit of stubble. Bushy eyebrows that are way too grown out and straight teeth other than one tooth that was sticking to the side.

"So Sloane" he continues what he was saying, my name catching him out of my daze "what position were you thinking of applying for?"

"Um, I was thinking of being one of the dancers if that is okay." I replied too shyly for my liking. "I have been a dancer my whole life and I am sure that I could keep up with the other girls."


Okay? Just okay? What is that supposed to mean? Do I have the job?

As if he could see the confusion on my face "The dancing aspect is my wife's forte. She handles the dancers, I handle the bar and the rest of the logistics. However, I can get you an audition with her." he explains calmly reaching into a folder and pulling out a pamphlet. "This gives you all the details and information you will need for the audition. You will need to choreograph a dance to a song of your choice and have appropriate shoes and clothing for the dance. If she thinks you will be able to handle the pressure of the club and your dancing is up to her terribly high standards, you can be officially hired."

"Okay thank you so much. Let me know when my audition is and I can assure you I will be back soon." I reply thankfully, picking up my belongings and the papers he gave me and giving him another handshake. One thing my father did teach me from a young age was how to do a strong handshake. One of the best bits of advice he gave me.

"I hope to see you back here soon, Sloane." he replied giving me a genuine smile.

Waving to a busy Jackson I walked out of the club and to my car.


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