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Fucking hell, of course I was concerned

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Fucking hell, of course I was concerned. I'd never even seen this girl in my life but the way she sat on the floor crying into my chest with her hands cupping the already visible bruise on the left side of her face, it felt right. It had been five minutes and I knew that if it was up to her she would not leave my arms within the next 30.

"Sloane, I know you don't know who I am, and you don't have to talk to me," I told her in the voice I used to use on my sister when she had panic attacks "but I'm just letting you know that the bouncers called the police and they are on their way."

I felt her body tense on mine as I told her.

"No" she whimpered quietly "I don't want to talk to them."

She held onto me tightly. Why? I have no fucking clue. She had no idea who I was but she trusted me out of all people when everything could have and did go to shit.

"I know you don't want to, but unfortunately you're going to have to" I whispered while drawing circles around her back through her costume.


"Can I ask who that man was?" I ask wearily

"My dad" she begins

Her fucking dad punched her in the face? What's wrong with the fucker?

"He disowned me more than a month ago for deciding to not go to Oxford because they didn't have what I wanted to study."

As she finishes telling me a little bit about her dickhead of a father one of the other dancers brings her a pair of tracksuit pants and a hoodie.

"That's your stuff?" I ask

"Yeah, when someone is actually going through something the girls stop being jealous bitches for 30 seconds." she laughs softly.

Not long later two police officers come into the club and start talking to her.

"Do you want me to leave you alone with them?"

"Stay...please" she whispers, clinging onto my arm again.


After what felt like four hours of seeing Sloane trying her absolute best to hold back her tears, the police officers finally had enough evidence and information to leave.

"So..." she asked, shyly leaning her head against my chest again "What's your name?"

I chuckled to myself, wrapping my arms around her. "Colton. Colton Wolf."

"Nice to meet you, Colton, I'm Sloane." she laughed quietly

"Nice to meet you too, Sloane."

"Do you wanna get out of here now?" I ask "You know, get out of your costume, go home, go to bed."

"I'd love to."

If it wasn't for the make-up that had run down her face or the already forming purple and green bruise on her cheek, by the way she was acting you would have thought she was fine.

"Go and get changed and I'll meet you outside the front door and walk you to your car."

"Okay, thank you."

Once she left the room I slowly got up and started walking towards the front checking my phone for the first time in what ended up being over three hours. It was 2:09 am. I had 4 missed calls from Eddie and a bunch of texts as well. Fuck. I forgot about Eddie.

Bro. Where are you?

Missed call from Eddie Williams

No like actually Colton, where are you?

We all got kicked out of the club because one of the dancers got punched.

Missed call from Eddie Williams

Missed call from Eddie Williams

Don't tell me you punched one of the girls.

I force you out of the house once and this is what it comes to.

Missed call from Eddie Williams

Fucking hell Colton, I'm going home. If you're in jail I'm not bailing you out in the morning.

Fuck I'm so sorry Eddie.

Missed call to Eddie Williams

No, I didn't punch anyone and no, I'm not in jail. The girl who got punched ended up landing in my arms and she became attached to me. Not in a creepy way but y'know what I mean.

My flat is still too fucked up to live in so I'll sleep at my mums house instead.

Three weeks ago, the building of flats that I lived in had a main water pipe burst damaging my whole flat. It took forever to get the go-ahead to move back in, so I had no choice but to move home temporarily. 


About twenty minutes later Sloane came out the front door. Wearing the same tracksuit and hoodie that she wore earlier, she had taken off her make-up, showing more of her swollen cheekbone from her fathers hit.

"You look nice"

"Stop lying" Sloane blushes

"I'm not. You look much better without mascara running down your face." I tease

I notice that she smiled and then became uncomfortable. Did I say something wrong? Is she okay? How does someones emotions change so quickly?

"Sloane" I wake her out of her daze


"What's wrong? You just went all quiet"

"I know we just met but could I possibly stay at yours for the night?" she asks, talking so quietly that I have to really focus to hear her. "If you say no that's fine, I'll go stay at a hotel. But my father is the one who bought my flat and he's probably going to be waiting outside for me if he doesn't have a key and when I get ther-."

"Sloane" I say, disrupting her "You can stay at mine for as long as you need. It's okay. The only thing is that I'm staying with my mum, grandma and sister for a little bit because my flat has water damage, but you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"I just want to cause anyone any trouble"

I could see that she was nervous and still in shock from the hit. It broke my heart and I fucking hated that she was having this effect on me.

"You're not causing anyone any trouble," I assured her. "Do you wanna go get your things from your flat or no?"

She stood staring at her makeup still on my black shirt from when she was crying against me.

"No" she almost whispered. "Could I borrow some of your things just for tonight?...I'm sorry about your shirt by the way"

"Yeah, my clothes will be big on you but you can wear them for the night." Sloane wasn't one of those 5'2 girls that I normally went for. She looked as if she was around 5'7 and it was safe to say that I wouldn't mind seeing her in my clothes. "Don't worry about my shirt though, my sister has done it many times" feeling my body tense at the memories of her ex-boyfriend. "Should we start walking towards your car?" trying to quickly change the topic and distract myself from my thoughts.

"Okay, thank you"

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