t h r e e

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"Bro, my grandmother's going to fucking kill me if she finds out that I have been spending my money here," I complain to Eddie

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"Bro, my grandmother's going to fucking kill me if she finds out that I have been spending my money here," I complain to Eddie.

Eddie has been my best friend since pre-school. We were practically brothers and I often went to his house for dinner if my mum and grandma couldn't afford it for my sister, Cora and I. Whilst I was the captain of the high school rugby team, playing the left lock in the scrum and wearing the number 4 jersey, he was always on the right wing.

"It'll be fine, Colton. Stop stressing for once in your life about money. Tonight is about having fun and getting a hard-on from getting lap dances from hot chicks." he explained sounding slightly annoyed.

I hated that he was right, for the first time in my life I was actually financially stable. I had money coming in, money going to my mum, grandma and baby sister, Cassie. If Cora needed anything for school I would buy it for her but she knew to only ask if it was something she would struggle to get through school without. I had been putting almost everything that was left over from my paycheque into a savings account. Only giving myself enough money for food, rent and any other necessities.

Eddie had finally convinced me to go out and have some fun. But when I said fun I thought he meant going to see England versus Australia in a rugby match and going out to a pub after...not going to a fucking strip club.

Walking down the red carpet towards the large, black, studio-like double doors and the bouncer who I swore I could tackle to the ground without even trying, I handed him my ID, following Eddie's actions.

The club looked like everything I had seen in the movies. Guys getting lap dances from girls, alcohol being drunk everywhere, disco balls on the ceiling and booths with ripped black leather couches and dark wooden tables bordering the sides of the club close to the bar. I would be lying if I said that the girls weren't hot. They were dancing on the floor, on the polls and on other creepy guys. Some young some old.

"Colton" Eddie shook me out of my daze. "Do you want a beer today or nah?"

"Sure" I replied wearily "I don't think that'll be a problem today."


"Go get yourself a lap dance, Eddie for fucks sake" I shouted quietly enough for only us and a few other people around us to hear.

"But what about you, you'll be all alo-"

"GO." I pleaded

Watching drunk Eddie in action had always been amazing. He was always one of the better-looking guys at school and when sober he was a smooth talker let alone when he was three beers down. At parties, he had half the girls surrounding him. Fucking a different chick every Saturday night. Even when he was in a relationship he would fuck other girls, not as often but every couple of weeks he'd go down on someone new. Despite talking to him hundreds of times about it and how it was wrong to sleep with other girls while he was in a relationship, he would always tell me that he knew and he was trying to change...but I knew he wasn't.

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