f i v e

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We walked towards my car in comfortable silence

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We walked towards my car in comfortable silence. It was a short, yet freezing walk.

It fucking pissed me off that he already knew so much about my life and childhood. Whilst I often overshared with my close friends who I trusted, I never opened up to someone whom I had known for less than five years. Let alone less than a day.

Colton just randomly came into my life and even though I wasn't complaining, part of me wished he would just fuck off. As much as I dreamed of falling in love like they did in the movies or TV shows, I didn't know if I would be able to after Nico - my ex-boyfriend.

"Nice rich mum car" he smiles sheepishly

"Thank you, it's my one and only true love"

Colton's eyebrows furrow.

"She has been through everything with me. Happy, sad and"

"Sex?" he cuts her off now looking less confused and flaunting a cocky boyish smirk.

"Nope" I internally cringed...maybe one day.

I mean it's not like there isn't space for it. It's a Range Rover for fucks sake.

Driving through the streets of Sheffield that led to Colton's childhood home, I couldn't help but feel pity towards them. Why did I get to grow up in a highly secured, overpriced gated community when these people have identical houses and live in such close proximity? You would be able to hear absolutely everything.

I was never allowed to come through places such as these as a kid. My father always said that it was their fault that they didn't have enough money to live in a beautiful home such as ours. He said that if they got off their fat asses and worked as hard as he did, then they wouldn't be struggling to feed their families. The fucker got everything handed to him. The hardest he ever worked was when he had to call his lawyer personally to get me taken out of his will.

"Just park here, it's the closest you'll find parking." Colton suggested

Nodding, I parallel-parked into the small spot. That was one thing I was surprisingly good at. Big flex.

Getting out of the car, grabbing my bag from the club and double-checking that I locked my doors, half expecting that I would wake up to my tires being gone, windows smashed in and leather being ruined.

Colton's house was basically the definition of a basic British house in a poorer area. It was a small red brick house with a thin white door and four white windows. One on either side of the door and two upstairs. There were a few small pot plants outside the front of the house but aside from that, it was nothing but concrete and two or three random bricks just lying around. 

Looking at my phone, I realised that it was just after 3 am. I watched as he opened the door quietly and led me towards his room. Giving me some clean tracksuit pants and a hoodie to sleep in once we got there.

"I'll be sleeping in the front room" he explained calmly. "The bathroom is the door opposite this one and there should be some spare stuff under there."

I nodded, internally grateful that I wouldn't have to face my father tonight.

"Thank you. I would have been more than happy to sleep on the couch."

He rolled his eyes. "Goodnight Sloane," he said in a hushed voice.

God that was fucking hot.


It was now 4 am and I had been lying in Colton's bed for 30 minutes.

How did my father find me?

Who could I have danced for that would have told him that?

I tried to think of all the faces that I had seen. People that the other girls danced on, people that just came for the club and not the strippers.

I felt a tear run down my face as I remembered the girl's face. The girl, birthed by satan himself. Kelly fucking Stevenson. I felt my breathing quicken and get more shallow.

Go get Colton before anything happens. You can't get through this alone. I told myself over and over.

Exposing myself to the cold air and quietly dragging my feet down the extremely narrow staircase towards the front room, I saw that he was on his phone.

Thank fuck I'm not waking him.

"Colton" I say loudly enough for him to hear.

"Sloane?" he asks putting his phone down now sitting up and looking at me. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep" I reply. That wasn't the full truth but that definitely was all he was going to get.

"Come here" he said patting the seat next to him on the sofa. "What's up?"

"I just told you I can't sleep" feeling my breathing pick up again, I wished nothing more than to disappear. Not have to put someone else through my mummy and daddy issues. What use would it be to have someone else aware of it? It would only ruin their lives because they'd now have to live knowing that my life isn't as perfect as it seemed.

"That's exactly what my sister used to say when she was going through shit"

I looked at him, nothing but confusion spread across my face.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed."

He picked me up as if I weighed as much as a miniature sausage dog. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs and towards his room, tucking me under the covers and sitting beside me.

"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?" he asks, combing through my hair with his fingers.

"Yes please" I mumble "only if you want to."

He takes off his shirt and pulls himself under.

Seeing the shadow of his extremely tanned six-pack for a brief second even in the dark gave me butterflies.

I lay my head on his chest tracing the tattoos above his heart.

C O R A  &  C A S S I E

It was small but it stood out. All of his tattoos were on his arms, hands, back, legs and a few on his neck. The two girls names were the only thing on the front of his torso.

"Do you wanna talk about it tonight?" he asks, continuing to comb my hair with his hands.

"Can we just sleep?"

"Of course we can" he talks softly. "Goodnight Sloane".

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