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I need to explain something to everyone. When I was two years I told that my grandfather (the father of my father) touched me sexually (I do not remember it but I was young. I still don't know if I believe it or not). Either way, it was taken to a judge. My father took his father's side, as the rest of his blood family did not believe that it was true and decided to just do nothing about it. As for my mother's side, they all stood up. The judge's final decision was made quickly, he was never allowed to see me again - my grandfather.

My father was furious, and he then put a ton of complaints; about my grandparent, my mother, and everything and everyone that stood up against what he thought.

Why am I telling this you ask? Because that summer he took me to see him. It wasn't the first time, I first meet him a few years ago - the last time he came back in the picture. I was about 9 years old and did not feel at ease knowing the court's final judgement.

But that time I was a bit older and was mad at my mother. I mostly did all she always told me not the do; speaking to strangers online, drinking a lot of energy drinks, spending all my money, and cutting the respect I had for her. I almost did it all.

But my grandfather is a kind man. Not kind to my dad and was a hypocrite, but with me he was okay.

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