Chapter 14

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"Eh? What happened to your neck Thailand...I always see you around with Swedens scarf..."

Thailand only smiles as his cheeks heated up gently before waving no at Lia.

"Hehe, it's nothing....Sweden is being nice to me again, I caught a cold for the past few weeks...that's why I wasn't around..."

"Ah...I see...."

Lia sighs as she remembers that she even tried to look for Thailand's  dorm and once she did, she knocked on the door, comes to a surprise...Sweden was Thailand's dormmate..he was really mean to her and told her to get out of his sight which she did before leaving a hot pot of chicken soup for Thailand.

"Oh! I love the chicken soup that you gave was so tasty! Sweden ate some too~"

"I'm glad you like my cook!—"

"Ehem!...we need to go Thai..."

Sweden barges in as he rolled his eyes and snatched Thailands wrist, pulling him close. Thailand chuckles as he gently pushed Sweden away from him, having a small space between them while they both hold hands.

"Ah, we still have lots of time to stay Sweden....what's wrong? Miss me already~?"

Thailand teased Sweden as he just kept quiet,

"As I was saying.....Phil, be careful around Japan okay?.....We don't want you to get caught.......he knows if you're faking very we—"

"A-about that.....I joined the club where his a part of it too....—"


Sweden scoffed as he crosses his free arm and looked at Lia.

"Thailand warned you not to get close yet you're doing the opposite...are you gay or something?"

"W-whatt??? Hell no! I'm not gay! I'm straight!!"

Lia's cheeks heated up as she pouted.

"Besides....I didn't knew his part of the club! Then I should've joined gardening club instead! Even if I'm bad at planting and growing trees....."

"Hmm...well, this could only mean one's written in your destiny to come across Japan I guess..who knows—"

"Who knows? Destiny? I don't believe that shit anymore long as you're here by my side, I don't care about that destiny...."

Phil sighs as she noticed Sweden getting even more annoying.....he would just pop out of nowhere and cling so close to her new friend Thailand and sometimes...they get too intimate that she would quickly leave to give the two of them some privacy.

Yet they're both at it again '*sighh* go get a room! Jeeze...' Lia's cheeks heated up before leaving the room she was in with the couple.

As she walks out and silently closes the door behind her, she thinks about her days here in the all boys school...she found out that Dubai and Qatar are prince and well, they have bodyguards tailing behind them....they where known to be the rich royal countrymaster, richer than...Britain/U.K.


'What should I do if I ever get into trouble because of Japan?.....Will that trigger something that would alarm my brothers?...what if I get caught!!! Will they ban me from this school forever!?! Will Americs hate me as well as the other friends I made along the way??!?'

Lia felt regret...she shouldn't have go with the flow...but now she needs to get even more careful...Thailand telling her to avoid Japan is something that she should—

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