Chapter 44

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"Let's give them a round of a applause!!!" The announcer said with a energetic tone, "our first performance! From the all boy's school side!!! Introducing! Prince Vietnam! Prince Norway! Prince Japan!—" "WOOOOOO!!!" Everyone cheered whenever a Prince name was mentioned.

"I LOVE YOU PRINCE JAPAN!! YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" one princess yells while the others giggle and enjoys the show, huh, it seems that Vietnam still has his fanbase while Japan's is slowly flourishing after the Toya incident. Everyone left the fake idol and supported Japan instead.

Phil smiles as she looks how happy and vibrant everyone is, the atmosphere was filled with so much joy and support. 'Ahh..months of practice is worth it— better not to mess it up Lia! You can do this bro!!' She said to herself.

Norway smiles as he started their cue, the two charismatic prince begins to sing and play their electric guitars in such increasing energy! "WOOO!! I'M GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!!!—" Malaysia who used to be a fan of Toya is now a fan of Japan. Huh, it was so easy for some to transition. Indonesia cheers as the whole stadium was full on energy.

The sitting arrangements where separated, the left side is where the prince are while the right side is the Princesses. Tanya smiles as she looks at the performers, she was with the School President which is America "huh, I thought that I'm going to see my twin..." she said to America, "oh apologies prince America" she bowed infront of him just for greeting and Ame did the same.

"It's alright Ms. Tanya....your twin must be busy with royalty works...", "ah...indeed..." the two where at the backstage and they could hear the performance, "I heard that you also have a girl band group on your side.... Princess Tanya" Ame said as he happily listen to the music and would peek between the curtains just to see Phil.

"Oh! Ofcourse! South Korea is the leader and her members are, Hongkong,  Taiwan and Macau!" Ame nodded "Everyone loves them, especially Princes South Korea. She's perfect in every way! I'm so proud of them!" Tanya smiles proudly. "That's great!..." Ame smiles. It didn't take long until the first performance came to an end, followed by another one....


"Is the potion finished Ethan?" ?????? looked at the poor prince who's sweating bullets "P-please just give me more time!—" *SLAP!*  "I WANT IT DONE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! DON'T YOU SEE THAT THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THAT I CAN TAKE HER WITH ME!?! SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! And without the potion, she'll be gone forever!!!" Ethan whimpers as he rubbed his bruised cheek and nodded "I-I'll make sure to finish it today—!!"

"As expected! If you want to be like your sister, just follow what I say.....and you!" The person standing under a dark shade nodded, as a color red string came out of their finger tips "....You better keep your promise! I'm giving you this potion to keep your power back on track! And without me, you'll be weak! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Their eyes glowed in the dark before they leave. "......I can't believe hurts.." Ethan sniffs up and touched his bruised cheek "I'm royal! I shouldn't be treated like this!" He wipes his teary eyes as he walked out the place where ????? Called them to meet. He knew that it qas unity day and he should be there too, enjoying the celebration but....he couldn't...

He can't.... because of his sister...seeing her makes him feel so insecure and depressed....while walking, he didn't noticed the snow princess getting close to him. "Prince Britain, why are you here? You should be enjoying the celebration!" She smiles, ah— she brings this cool and comforting aura whenever she's close to everyone.  It's like, some beautiful glittering snow flakes are falling from her (but not really). Britain's cheeks heated up and he tries to hide his bruised cheek.

"Thank you for the concern Princess Finland but, I can't join...I am chasing some school works to be done and after that, I'd participate...but not at this time..." Finland tilts her head and saw what he was hiding. "I see....but, why are you trying to hide your bruised cheek from me? Don't you know, even if I can see from afar, I can still know what's close to me even if it's a small scratch..." her beautiful eyes seems to have adjusted, she noticed the bruise.

"Ah— this is...nothing princess...—!", "oh I insist! Let's go to the clinic!!" She gently held Britains wrist as they both headed towards the clinic. '.....if we're seen like this together, your creepy husband will freak out...' Britain said in his mind as he looked at thw beautiful princess.

"We're here!! Ah!! Estonia!—"

"*gasp*! MY LOVE!! FINLAND!!!—"

'Oh dear God—'

The clinic has two people inside, including the nurse ofcourse. Finland Let's go of Britain and well she let Estonia embrace her tightly. Britain looked elsewhere and noticed Russia who's patching a wound on his cheek. ".....hmn..." Russia looked back at him and proceeded to be quiet. Britain was escorted by the nurse and he was sat on an empty bed, besides Russia.

He looked around and saw a pair of ice skating shoes that are broken, it's sharped part seemed to have been damaged.... "there you go sir, how do you feeel?" The nurse asked "I'm feeling okay....thank you" they smiled and went to check on Russia after.

"I missed you so much my love~", "ahh~ Estonia, We just met a few seconds ago, you really miss me that much??~" the two proceeds to tease while the nurse didn't give a damn about the two... Britain sighs and looked at Russia who's sitting on the edge of his bed. He asked "...what happened?.."

"....some equipment ice skating shoes broke while I was rehearsing for the performance...." Britain looked at Russia's bandaged right arm and patched up cheek. Good thing his face was safe. ".....Don't worry, I heal long as I don't overwork myself..." he said.

Britain nodded and looked at Estonia who's wearing their custome, Russia wasn't wearing anything ontop and is only on his pants. Russia sighs and decided to lay down a bit. Britain was quiet, he was thinking of the things he should be doing right he decided to lay down for a bit and he will sneak out when everyone's gone.

8:32  A.M school Stadium

"THAT WAS COOL!! You guys were very awesome!!!" Malay cheered to the four, Vietnam smirks "Ofcourse, we're cool and awesome!" Indonesia smiles, Phil giggles as she receives flowers and gifts from princesses and the others too! "Ugh, if we don't get the Diamond trophy....I'll send my drones to mess them up—!" Norway crosses his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, hey chill Norway, atleast we tried our best..." Japan smiles as the group stopped infront of a food stall, everyone gets to enjoy free food as long as you're a student in the school.

"It's my first time attending in this kind of celebration guys!" Phil said happily, "oh, hello Prince Xing!" China heard Phil calling his name, the countrymaster faced them with a happy smile, he was carrying a few trays of sweets and snacks with a cute apron on.

China was filled with so many stickers and accessories from princesses "greetings Phil! And everyone! Have some snacks, you four did a great job!" He complimented them. "Heyy~~" Norway startled once he heard that voice, followed by everyone except China who wasn't even fazed.

"I just want to check on you guys....there's some concerns happening while the celebration is going on....if any of you find something suspicious, just tell me and the school staff, also America....we don't want someone to get lost and never be found ever do we~?"  Thailand smirks as they noticed that his one of the students that will be monitoring the school.

"Y-yeah, sure Thailand!" They all said in unison. "Also...don't hesitate to use your ability if someone tries to do guys are countrymasters anyways...." Sweden showed up after Thailand, he doesn't have a student badge but the his always seen tailing Thailand everywhere he goes.

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