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Now to find a partner. WHERE WAS ALEX SUPPOSED TO FIND A PARTNER! It had almost always been them who was asked out and rarely vice versa. The options were limited to top it off! Sauntering over to the Fairness Association across the street would be easy, but then Morgan would get suspicious. Some civilian would be too fragile, and killing this person wouldn't be an option. They would ask out one of their henchmen, but none of them could act.
Wait! Henchmen, of course! Morgan had some of those! Alex could just find someone in the base to date! Uggggh, the base was all the way across town and Alex was too lazy to teleport that far at the moment, so they ended up going door to door to Morgan's henchmen's apartments. Some of them surprisingly enjoyed waking up to the smell of rat crap.
Alex felt like a Girl Scout going door to door like this, but instead of selling cookie they were looking for a date. The first door bell they rang was Gus'. He had a wreath, a Christmas door mat, as well as a stand of lights. A very good candidate. Since it was December Alex needed someone who believed that hallmark movies could happen in real life.
After ringing the door bell, they put on their most Disney movie esque romancing face and waited for the door to open. When it did Alex piped up, "Call me snowflake, cause I've fallen for you." They had looked up an array of seasonal pickup lines before hand.
"Oh, crap, I would definitely date you cause like, mmm. Except, my ex-wife called me last night trying to rekindle our relationship and we never technically got the divorce (it's a work in progress) and divorce is expensive, so I'm gonna give it another shot." Alex aggressively slammed the door, upset with how long this was taking. They had been sure that the first chump they asked would have fawned at them.
The slam shattered the door into mere splinters, so after begging for Gus not to have Morgan lecture them, they paid him for the damages. After that, on to the next single in their area!
Karen's door was peppered with paper snowflakes, presumably from her kids. The snowflakes surrounded spikes, activated via trip wire, which were there all year long. Avoiding the spikes because growing a new hand was quite tedious, Alex rung the door bell. It took a good five minutes for a freckled brunette to answer the door and ask, "Oh, it's the boss' friend. Alexa, cancel the 'No I don't want a vacuum cleaner' procedure."
"I see, you got an Alexa, Karen. That's new." The last time Alex had made small talk with Karen she had be raving about her new google home. Although a surprisingly competent hero had been chasing their get away car, so who was to know.
With a disinterested nod, she replied, "What do want?"
"Can I forecast a date in the future?" Alex said with a side smile fit for an emoji.
Karen was rather confused at this and took a few moments to respond."Aren't you and the boss married? Oh my god! You're cheating on Morgan! Get off my property!" She spat out, shoving Alex.
          They only found this funny and stood their ground, but when Karen told the Alexa to initiate the, "No I don't want a vacuum cleaner' procedure" Alex scurried away. However this was mostly so Barbary wouldn't make fun of them for dying in a death trap. They would have to do some damage control, but that was a future Alex problem.
There was only one more henchman who lived in the building: Casey. Their door had not a Christmas decoration in sight except for a snowflake sticker on the doorbell which Alex promptly rung. The figure who appeared from behind the door was tall, doe eyed, and had long blond locks of wavy hair cascading down her pale pink sweater. Her voice sounded as sweet as coco as she inquired, "So, what brings you here Alexander?"
"It's just Alex," they said with a smile, fuming on the inside, "l just dropped by to ask if I can take a picture of you. I want to show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas." This they almost spat out for usually, the just killed the people who called them Alexander and didn't know how to continue the conversation afterward.
"Oh? Sorry, Alex. Did you say you needed a picture of me for something, I zoned out for a hot second. Does the boss need me for a heist? Oooo, are we robbing a photographer!? That one's been on my bucket list for a while. Sorry, I'm rambling, what did you need?"
Alex decided to just get to the point and cut it out with the pick up lines, "A date."
"Like, the fruit?" responded Casey with a raised eyebrow. This made Alex jealous as they could not raise a singular brow.
Nevertheless, they was taken aback at her sheer obliviousness when inquired, "Have you never been asked out before?"
"Well, jumping to conclusions with an S Teir isn't a good idea. Oh, you probably want a response... Sure! Why not!" Casey's response was honestly prompted because she wanted an excuse not to see her family for Christmas. If going on a few dates with the boss' friend could get her out of, hearing drunk uncle Larry and aunt F Teir argue about politics, then she was on board.
"Woah, I have practically swooned," Alex sarcastically replied, "So, I'll pick you up at six?"
"Sure, let's say six," Casey said as Alex strutted off. This was going so well! By the end of the holidays Alex was sure they would get Morgan to see how great at commitment they were, and how healthy a breakup they could have.

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