First Date Follies

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     Alex was the best at getting ready for first dates. Snap! Clothes ironed. Snap! Skin care done. Snapity snap, dressed and ready to go. It was a formula they had gotten down to a science. Ope, they almost forgot to leave a note telling Morgan where they were going. Snap! Done.
     Now to pick up Casey. Alex had what they thought was the perfect first date planed. First, dinner at a five star restaurant. Next, a walk on Chad's private beach to watch the sunset and Chad's blood boil. Finally, Alex planed to have a first kiss with Casey, so the relationship would be to a proper breaking up point for the 25th. Yes, it was Alex's plan to break up with Casey on Christmas.
       Alex produce the most phony hallmark "I never realized how beautiful you are" gasp, when they picked Casey up for the date. She was wearing a fake Pearl necklace and a velvety green long sleeved dress. It really wasn't gasp worthy, as Alex was wearing an entire three pice suite to be extra, a diamond broach they had taken off a rich old widow's corpse, and a thousand dollar perfume. She didn't really care how dressed up they were, she was just pumped for some free food.
      As Alex lead her to the limo they had purchased just for the occasion they could only think about Morgan. They had had to miss Mario Party night for this date and it made them quite sad, but Alex had to focus right now so they could have more than Mario Party nights. They opened the passenger door for her and took a seat right beside her. The limo was stalked with champagne and roses. Casey could already tell that this was going to be an overkill of a first date, so she decided to play along, "Oh, where are we going in this? The Whovile feast?"
       "You'll see," Alex said with a smile, "Nice weather we're having here." It was literally the only small talk they knew how to make. Killing or battling almost every new person you met wasn't the best environment to develop social skills in.
      She thought this was quite stupid small talk, "I guess, it's almost freezing and kind of overcast. Good weather for crime though. Speaking of crime, have you and the boss been up to anything fun lately.
      "If we had you would have known. You work for them. Ah, we're here. May I help you out of the vehicle?" Alex, basically lept out of the limo to avoid more of this small talk.
       "Why not," Casey said clasping Alex's out stretched hand. It was cold.
        The restaurant was stunning. The last snow sat sparkling on its black canopy, paralleling nicely with the string lights that spelled out "River Steakhouse". Alex skipped passed the valet as the chafer would park the car, and went straight to the hosts counter.
        "Reservation for Alex," they told the host working at the counter.
        "Right on time as usual, follow me right this way. The host lead them both to the nicest table in the place. This was partly out of fear and partly because Alex tipped food service workers well. They may be a serial mass murderer, but they had class.
Once at the table Casey and Alex both began to look over the menu. Casey immediately went with the most expensive thing on the menu as it's not every day you get to try wagyu topped with caviar. Alex, however just couldn't decide between the filet mignon or the imported seared zormagloof from the Xlar system. It didn't taste the best, but it brought back many a memories from their first space war.
They thought consulting Casey would be the best course of action to kill two birds with one stone. Date conversation and what to eat, so they turned to her and asked, "I just don't know what to get! The filet minion here is too die for, but the zormagloof is just divine. Your thoughts?"
"I guess umm the steak. I don't know." As she had never been to a place this upscale she truest did not.
"Okay steak it is!" Alex responded. The date was failing and that couldn't happen. It had to be a success or Morgan would never see how great at romantic relationships they were! It was time to bring out the big guns. It was time to talk about the thing that connected them: Morgan.
From the time they took their very first bites of food to walking out of the establishment, Alex told all of their funniest stories about Morgan and after telling Casey about how Morgan made them stop throwing around minimum the conversation, finally segued into something more romantic.
"You're so funny! I would have probably just shined a flash light on minimum, but yelling earth quake is so creative. I've always loved how inventive your villainous plots are," Casey was spewing utter poppycock. She was completely unfamiliar with Alex's work, but if she wanted to avoid her judgey family this Christmas, this relationship was going to have to pick up the pace from small talk. She touched their arm, sliding her hand into their's as they walked from the restaurant down to Chad's beach.
The sun was just starting to set. Pinks and oranges shown down on the frost covered sand as the couple took a seat. Their fingers where still intertwined as they took it all in.
"Why did you take me to a beach at the start of winter Alex?" Asked a shivering Casey. Alex had of course intended this to happen so when it did they knew exactly what to do.
"So I could do this," Alex said wrapping their arm around Casey. They of course weren't cold because they could control their body temperate, so they warmed themself enough to be like an electric blanket for her. A small smile grew on Casey's face as everything was going accordingly.

Both of them thought they were pulling off the performance of a lifetime, but neither thought anything could ruin this hallmark movie moment. When Chad came running out of his beach house waving a broom it came close, however, the two took this as a sign to run down the beach hand in hand, beaming like puppies . This had been a magical evening.
Climbing back into the limo which Alex had called back, moments before Chad called the police, Casey was wet from melted snow and covered in sand. Nonetheless she was very happy. The evening had been a dream. Far better than the alternative of going to her floor of the building's holiday party.
Glancing at Casey, Alex realized that there was hair almost in her eye. They brushed it away with a warm smile. As their eyes met, time seemed to stop yet move faster. After what only seem like a split second of gazing into Casey's hazel eyes the limo came to a smooth stop at the apartment building.
Helping her once more out of the limo, Alex inquired, "Would you like to take the stairs tonight?" Preparing for the final item on the perfect date agenda.
"Is there another option I don't know about?" Casey sarcastically and sleepily spat. Morgan hadn't bother to install an elevator in the building.
"Yes," Alex whispered clasping Casey's hand tighter as they levitated the two. Of course teleporting they would be faster. This method was far more romancy though.
Reaching Casey's widow Alex recited a goodbye he had taken right out of one of the romance novels Barbary insisted he didn't read, "A lovely night this has been indeed love, but I must be going. May I kiss you before we part?"
Trying to mask the awkwardness in her voice at this notion she replied, "Yes," and they shared a kiss fit for a middle school theater production. With that Casey climbed through their window and Alex arrived back at the apartment to find Morgan passed out on their work desk.
After carrying an out cold Morgan to their bed and whispering a goodnight to them, Alex turned in themself. At the same time they gave themself a part in the back, this plan was going great!

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