The Perfect Gift

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Morgan, was sad that Alex had missed Mario Party night, but good for them getting a date. As much as they wanted to know who it was, that wasn't their main concern right now. Yesterday as they were in the middle of a bank heist it had occurred to them they hadn't found a gift for Alex yet. Of course they had gone shopping for Barbary and Kotetsu (they had gotten them matching sweaters). Obviously, they hadn't forgotten to pick up a stolen artifact from their closet for Ohio. However, Alex they had done no shopping for.
Alex, was their partner (in crime)! How could they forget to get their partner a present?! It had to be the perfect gift too because last year Alex had taken them on the heist of the century. Morgan had enjoyed it so much, but they had only given Alex a candy cane. This year would be different! Alex deserved it.
So, Morgan got in their beat up car and drove to the best place for holiday shopping: Walmart. The bright lights made them squint as they walked through the automatic doors. Right at their fingertips was everything from cup noodles to lawn chairs, but what would Alex like?
      Morgan had known them for years, but their interests weren't exactly easy to shop for. They loved murder. However Morgan was banned from enough Walmarts already, so they couldn't afford to buy knives, bleach, antifreeze, etc. Alex also enjoyed knitting, but their yarn stash had already taken over the broom closet at the apartment. Of course they also enjoyed relaxing in a hammock. Nevertheless, their relaxation space was already decked out thanks to their impromptu renovation. What could you get for the person who had unlimited god like powers?
      Wandering the aisles alone in the store, Morgan looked like a dealer, baggy eyes, stained jacket, and messy hair. They honestly thought that one of the employees was keeping an eye on them, but frankly didn't care. Aisle aisle through aisle they kept walking, looking at every item in the store. Morgan even ended up in the food section, where to their horror they stumbled upon no other than Alex. Surprisingly Morgan's henchman Casey was with them.
      "Morgan!" Alex exclaimed as Morgan tried to sneak away to continue the search for the perfect gift, "Funny running into you here. Casey and I here were picking up some cookie dough to bake for our date." As they said this they wrapped an arm around her.
      They had no idea how to answer without giving away the fact they hadn't gotten Alex a gift yet. This coupled with their surprise that Casey was Alex's new mystery girlfriend, left Morgan sputtering out, "Er, um I am getting... LIGHTBULBS! Yep, light bulbs and some dates- I mean Casey- I mean... hot coco mix!"
      While Alex and Morgan faces flushed red from this sorry excuse for flirting, Casey decided to try and get this date back on track (she needed to take a cookie baking picture to send to her mom). She accomplished this by saying, "Sweetie, if the cookies are going to be done before midnight we'd better get a move on, sorry boss." All of them cringed inside at the pet name, most of all Alex.
      After parting ways, Morgan continued their search, but this would not be the last encounter that would take place for them in this Walmart.
     Once they had grabbed light bulbs and hot coco packets, Morgan searched for five more hours. In the clothing section, they analyzed every hoodie, dress shirt, and tie in sight. Alas nothing. When they tried the holiday section all they could find was candy canes and blow up Santa's, which was to be expected, but still! Morgan even considered just buying Alex a gift card, but all the Walmart had in stock was Home Depot gift cards. Nothing was working out!
     Morgan just wanted to show Alex how much they cared about them. Alex made them laugh when no one else could. Whenever Morgan's plans failed Alex was always quick to remind them that plans are for chumps. That was it! Alex never made plans. It wouldn't be the perfect gift, but a villain planner would be a very thoughtful gift for Morgan's partner in crime.
     At almost a sprint, they veered toward the office supply section. Carefully plucking a planner with Shy Guy (Alex's Mario party main) on it, Morgan felt a sense of relief. They had done it. All they had to do now was check out. Very easy.
     Or so they thought. After waiting in a five person line, not counting the ten or so people they had cut, they fumbled with their wallet for good good five minutes. The cashier's shift ended right as Morgan got to the front, so they had to wait for another employee to finish the purchase. They even tripped exiting the store, but it all felt worth it when they carried it out with pride.
      This pride was cut short when a scrunched faced, extremely tall woman ran head on into them, "Oh my god, I so sorry," she apologized, "I was in a rush to grab a new mic, but that's no excuse. Her calm voice sounded familiar. Morgan wondered where they had heard it before. A mic was an odd thing to be purchasing on the 15th of December. Wait... she was Lizzie Shrubman! She hosted Alex's favorite tire crime podcast! It was a long shot because she was in a rush, but maybe she would sign the gift.
     There was no way to know without asking, so ignoring their anxieties, (this would most likely lead to a crying session later) Morgan asked, "Hey, Lizzie Shrubman right? From Perfect Crimes," she nodded with a toothy smile, "My roommate really loves that show, and I was wondering if you could sign this notebook to them. It's their present."
      Taking the notebook Morgan extended to them, Lizzie said, "Of course! Who should I make this out too? Also, got a pen?"
     Whipping a pen out of their pocket and handing it to her Morgan responded, "Alex."
     Once they had said their thank yous and goodbyes, they both carried on with their quests. Morgan smiled the whole walk to their car, satisfied in finding the perfect gift. Alex was their dearest friend, partner in crime, and they were roommates.

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