Christmas Eve

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       Alex was being to regret saying yes to Casey's request to come over for Christmas Eve dinner. Morgan had made quite the feast and Alex had decorated their crappy apartment as well as godly possible, but this was still an uncomfortable meal. Alex, who was normally quite charismatic, was only thinking of ways to break it off with Casey the next day. They were also resisting the urge to x-ray vision their wrapped gifts underneath the tree Casey and them had decorated on their second date.
    Casey herself was just vibing and thriving. She didn't know the boss could cook this good and was savoring every last morsel of ham, mashed potatoes, and fresh baked dinner rolls. This was infinitely better than the fighting and burnt chicken that was her family's Christmas Eve dinner. Of course in the back of her mind she worried about her serial mass murder partner's reaction to the coming break up, but that was a future Casey problem.
Morgan stewed in discomfort. They were eating Christmas Eve dinner with one of their henchmen and their partner, whom were in a relationship with each other. They had no idea how to navigate this social situation or the weird feelings of unexplained rage it sparked in them. Why was Casey, touching Alex's arm!?!?! Did she just feed him with her fork? Morgan was going to throw up. This was far too close to his memories of his dysfunctional family's Christmas Eve dinner. Chad always brought a new girlfriend or fiancé home and no one ever paid any mind to Morgan's growing cookings skills.
          Also on their mind was the absense of Ohio and Barnaby. In the time it took Morgan to make the entire meal Alex had painstakingly made Kotetsu Christmas dog treats. They would be heartbroken if Barbary's pupper didn't get to enjoy them. Although Alex didn't look too heartbroken now as Casey licked food off their face.
When the social tension finally reached the point where one could cut through it with a knife, the door bell rang. Morgan ran to get it, and surprise surprise, there were Morgan's nemeses, in matching holiday sweaters, Kotesu at their side. Alex began to feed Kotetsu far too many dog treats for any good boy not made a sprit energy. Ohio and Barnaby sat down and dug in, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"S-s-sorry we're l-late everyone, t-traffic was crazy," Barnaby lied. In actuality they had raided Morgan's warehouse of stolen fruit and artifacts. Most of it the couple planned to give back to its rightful owners, but they also each plucked a Christmas gift for Morgan out of the pile. It was a holiday season after all, these things were morally justifiable enough for them. Although maybe they were just spending too much time with Alex and Morgan.
      Speaking of them, normally, Alex would have gone to the farthest depths of existence to make Morgan feel better, but at the current moment were trying to think of a good breakup technique. So far the best they had was "it's not you it's me." That was the truth no matter how badly Alex wanted Morgan to see how good at break ups they were. Finally, as desert was served they had had it! Tomorrow on Christmas morning Casey would open their present to find a note reading, "I think we should see other people." If it was a letter it would obviously go infinitely better. Alex knew they were the best at plans. The plan brewing in their head currently was the third plan they had ever made, but still they knew they were the best at it.
       Faking a yawn after the figgy pudding was served, Alex went to their bed. Sadly, tonight they would have to share it with Casey to keep up appearances. She was the worst person possible to share a mattress with. Never having shared a bed in her life she sprawled out, cold feet touching Alex's legs, and how she snored! There were only two things keeping Alex from killing her at the moment. Firstly, she was still needed for the plan. Secondly, Morgan would not be happy if Alex killed another one of their bench men. After, a few long, restless hours of grumbling, however Alex found slumber. They dreamed of tomorrow, the day they could end it with Casey and finally confess years of feelings to Morgan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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