28. City of Angels: Pt - I

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A/N- I need to preface this chapter with an apology because it's so awful😂 Carry on haha x

Roger Taylor
Los Angeles, California
28th, August

The boys and I decided to kick off the recording process in Los Angeles for a nice change of scenery, and weather, from Germany. We would likely end up back in Munich soon anyway. For now we were sun-kissed and excited to start a new venture. Freddie and I had been exploring our own sounds recently, so it was hard to push aside a solo mindset.

I was nursing an idea that stemmed from something simple my son Felix said a few days ago whilst Dom and I had been staying here in L.A. I had been eating breakfast with my son when he grumbled 'radio ca-ca' under his breath at the sound of the wireless crackling out some crappy disco beat. I don't know why exactly that struck something in me, but I immediately had to lock myself in the studio and thrash something out.

I considered sharing the draft with Freddie, but he's a notorious bloody wanker for taking over my songs. Often times he changes my songs for the better, but it can be irritating when him and Brian essentially take over everything. John and I are lucky to get a song per album. I suppose that's why I needed the outlet of solo works at times.

"What was it you said we were going to do with this album?" Freddie prompted as we all sat in a neat row along the soundboard.

I frowned, "What?"

"A year ago, at Hayes Griffith's birthday," Freddie reminded me, "What did you say we were going to do?"

"I said that we're going to give them the works!" I cracked a grin, "So let's get out of the Hot Space shadow."

John and Freddie sulkily agreed whilst Brian blew out a breath of relief. The energy was electric for the first few days whilst we all bounced fresh ideas off of each other. We had nothing concrete as of yet, but things were going in a positive direction. We were back to rock thank fuck.

So yes, everything was just idyllic in Record Plant studios.

That was until Hayes Griffith walked into the room one day, and I swear I almost had a heart attack. I practically leapt over the mixing desk to stop a demo tape from playing aloud. I'm a confident bloke, but I didn't need that particular critic ripping into my music mid process.

'Sometimes I feel like a man on fire, sometimes I feel like a man possessed—' I smashed the buttons of the cassette player until it cut off. Man on Fire was a song that I had written and recorded vocals for, but I could tell that the boys weren't feeling it. If they weren't feeling it... Hayes Griffith certainly wouldn't be feeling it. Luckily, Mack had distracted the music journalist for now.

Freddie glanced up casually from the piano in the recording room... too casually before he placed his headphones back over his ears. I decided that it was time John or Brian had their shot in the spotlight. It was only fair. They deserved to have a go at working on their songs at this particular moment in time.

I stretched back in my chair, casually, too casually. "Bri, any songs in the arsenal?"

"Don't." John murmured, "Hayes Griffith just walked in."

My mouth gaped open, "Way to fucking throw me under the bus."

Brian narrowed his eyes, "Like you were just about to fucking do to me?"

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