Chapter 20

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Photo of Jena in media

"If it bothers you, tell me, I would refuse"

"No, don't worry, I prefer it to be you than someone else," I told him.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think I stole your job or what "

"Yes, yes. You have nothing to do with it, it's my fault"

"Neens, it was this bitch from Amy who looked for you. I would have done the same" she tries to reassure me.

"No, I should have thought about the consequences before throwing myself on her. I lost my position as a cheerleader captain and I'm just going down in my grades. Which university will want from me?" I despair.

Without the necessary grades or extracurricular activities, I have no chance of being accepted into the university of my choice.

"Neens, don't say that! You can still catch up. It's just that you start working seriously again," reassures me Jena.

I agree as an answer. She is right. I may no longer be a captain of cheerleaders but I am still a worker and I am determined to catch up.

I'm watching Jena. There is something wrong. She seems thoughtful.

"Something bothers you?" I ask with curiosity.

She raises her head suddenly.

"It's nothing" she answers briefly.

"Tell me" I insist.

"It's that... being a captain means having responsibilities. And in these responsibilities, there is often being with Paul for the various meetings and trainings during the year," she tells me, not daring to look me in the eye as if she was hiding something from me.

"Do you feel anything for Paul????!" I ask for bulging eyes like never before.

"No! You're crazy! "She answers spontaneously, shocked.

I don't move anymore.

"Seriously! Beurk! Disgusting! I don't feel anything for this guy, he disgusts me and I don't know what you think of him honestly" she answers calmly.

"Sorry but I had to ask you the question" I apologize.

My question may have been stupid in the end.

"It bothers me to spend time with him. I can't blame this guy. He's just hellish! I can't believe you thought I had feelings for a guy like that," she laughs.

She sees that I'm not laughing and stops immediately.

"Sorry, it's stronger than me" she catches up.

"Don't worry! I know you don't get along. When I'm with you, I'm just Nina, your best friend not Paul's girlfriend" I reassure her.

She smiles at me in return.

Jena is a very beautiful girl. She has everything for herself and I don't find any defects physically or morally. I know she had a relationship with Paul, that he completely screwed up. But Paul would not go so far with a girl who did not please him physically and mentally. Why didn't their story last? Paul may have been too immature at that time but he has matured since. If Paul, regained ties with Jena, would it be possible for him to realize his mistake and return to her? They like each other, it breaks their eyes! Or am I just paranoid? Even if I trust both of them, knowing that Paul and Jena will see each other more and more and spend time together does not leave me indifferent.

After eating, Jena goes to training while I'm about to go home.

When I leave high school, I go to my car when suddenly I am caught from behind and my mouth is covered. I struggle violently and I try to escape.

"Calm down baby! It's just me," Paul said, releasing me.

I start hitting him with all my strength even if it makes him laugh more than anything else.

"Never do that again! I thought I was going to be kidnapped" I laugh at my stupidity.

He laughs and walks slowly towards me. I instinctively step back and hit a car that is not mine.

He smiles and plates me so that I can't escape.

He tries to kiss me but I turn my head to stop him.

"In a tease mood, huh?" He smiles.

I bite my lower lip.

He puts his hand on my cheek and tries to kiss me but I dodge again, offering him my throat instead of my lips. He begins to make soft back and forth with his tongue on my neck. I curl up and I feel the excitement rise. We can be caught in full act at any time. I let myself go and I make a few slight moans. I see a silhouette in the distance and I push Paul away immediately. He looks at me perplexed and then turns around.

"We don't care, I don't mind," he said with a laugh.

"You will be late for your training. We'll do it again later" I stop it.

"Well...okay" he sulks like a 4-year-old child.

He goes to high school and turns in my direction.

"I left you a little gift," he said, smiling with a petty air before returning to high school.

A gift?

I get in my car and go home.

I go up to my room to put my bag, tie my hair in a bun and go down to the living room.

"You're not supposed to be in training? " asks me my mother.

Shit! I had completely forgotten! I'm supposed to go home at 3 p.m.

"I didn't feel well and I suspended training" I lied to him.

"Okay. Rest well and don't forget that Derek is coming to eat tomorrow night. With your father, we have a meeting just before but we will be back on time, don't worry."

I agree and catch a cookie.

"Nina!" Screams my mother as she gets closer to me and stares at my neck.

"I'm dreaming! Is it a..?"

By a reflex, I immediately hide my neck with my hand. He didn't dare! I'm rushing into the bathroom. Oh damn! He left me a huge purple trace! How do I explain this to my mother?! I will murder him, kill him if I see him.

My mother joins me in the bathroom.

"Don't worry! "I reassure her.

"It's Hillary. She wanted to play action or truth and I didn't want to ridicule her in front of others. I didn't think she would leave such a big trace," I explain to her.

She seems perplexed but ends up giving in.

It is out of the question that I talk about Paul to my parents or the fact that my grades are falling or the loss of my position as captain. They will never let me go again and would not approve of my relationship with Paul.

I immediately go up to my room and try as best I can to hide the lollipop. I end up getting there after applying 24 layers of corrector. I don't know how but I was going to take revenge on his little "gift".


Before going to bed, I check my messages.

From Paul:

Hey bae, do you want to go out tomorrow night to eat?

My mother invited Derek to come and eat tomorrow night and that obviously Paul can't know. He would put himself in an impossible state.

I have a family dinner scheduled for tomorrow, sorry :(

He answers me immediately:

And Saturday?

I don't have anything planned for Saturday but I have to work this weekend.

I really can't be sorry, I have to study thoroughly this weekend. I'll see you on Monday ;)

I really pass for the girl who wants to avoid it.

All right. See you tomorrow then.

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