Chapter 27

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Why?" I ask by landing in front of Jena.

She sits at her desk and looks at me with a perplexed air. There are a few people in the class and the teacher has not yet arrived.

"Why what?" She asks me in return.

"Why did you talk to Paul about Derek? I thought we were friends? Why are you interfering in our relationship? You're still interested, right?" I murder him with questions.

She seems uncomfortable. .

"Wow, calm down! Already no thanks, your boyfriend I don't want it and with all the respect I owe you, I don't care about your relationship" she explains calmly.

What a cheek anyway!

"So what are you trying to do to tell him that Derek came to my house? "

"It wasn't intentional, it escaped me," she answers aggressively.

All eyes are on us.

"I don't see how you couldn't do it on purpose"

"Are we really going to argue because of Paul there? Because if that's it, don't take my head."

I see the teacher entering the room.

"Frankly, I thought you were my friend," I said as I went to sit in my place.

She seems to want to answer me but nothing comes out of her mouth.

I don't believe it! She gave me no clear answer to my questions. I can no longer count on Jena now.

Once the course is over, I go to Paul's usual corner to return his phone. I see him in the distance, sitting with his friends laughing. I approach, he raises his head and then crosses my eyes. He starts to smile.

"Hey Paul, you..." I say before I get caught by the person concerned and find myself on his lap.

"Hey baby" he kisses me languidly but I manage with so much good and difficulty to stop him. I feel that everyone is looking at us. He doesn't seem to understand my reaction.

"You forgot your phone at my house last night," I told him.

His friends laugh and start teasing us. tease us.

"That's not what you think," Paul answers them.

"Nothing happened," I specify.

They exclaim a collective "Ohhhh".

"In any case, thank you bae for giving it back to me, I thought I had lost it definitively" he kisses me on the cheek.

"You're welcome. I have to go, I'll be late for my class otherwise," I say as I get up.

I greet Paul and then I go to my room. The teacher is already there and I'm in a hurry to sit down. It's weird but Paul didn't ask me if I had searched his phone. He was also rather happy to see me. Since there was nothing in his phone, he had no reason to worry about this idiot! The math class takes place slowly but fortunately, it ends up.

The morning ends calmly but it is out of the question that I go to eat in the cafeteria with Jena. I go to the parking lot and get in my car. I send a message to Derek to warn him that I'm not in high school and ask him to pick me up at my house. He answers me quite quickly and tells me that he will be at my house in about ten minutes. It just gives me time to put down my things, touch up my makeup and hair and put my shoes back on.

I hear someone honking at the entrance and I rush out.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask by getting in the car before kissing him.

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