Chapter 23

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Fine light beams pierce through the darkness. I find my eyes and I am blinded by the sun. I dip my head into my cushion while growling and turn to Derek. He sleeps peacefully with his mouth open.

"Stop watching" he says what makes me startle.

"I don't watch! I watch you drool on my cushion," I say.

He grabs the cushion he was sleeping on and places it on my head. The cushion was impregnated with its perfume.

I remove the cushion and hit it with it.

He smiles and puts his arms around me. I instinctively push him away, which seems to surprise him. He does not insist and seems embarrassed.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have"

"We're just friends and I'm with Paul, it's better to avoid these little gestures"

"I understand. It's just friendly between us. I didn't think it would bother you, I would avoid it in the future."

I smile to reassure him. I admit that I feel quite guilty for sleeping with Derek. If Paul slept with any girl, I would fart a cable!

"Are we going to eat?" I ask him.

He nods and we go down to the kitchen.

"Where are the eggs?"

I point my finger at him and he catches two eggs.

"I'm going to make you the best omelet you've ever eaten."

"I can't wait to taste it!"

I toast bread while he finishes his eggs and I take out the orange juice.

"And that's it! My famous spice rolled omelette," he said, placing the plates on the table.

"Wahou! It makes you want too much!"

I grab the fork and taste a small piece. Wow! I don't know what he put in it but it's super good! It's a little spicy but not too much and melting.

"And yeah, I know how to cook! If you need me to prepare a dinner or for a few private lessons, call me" he winks at me.

"I will remember it," I reply, amused.

We finish eating quickly and then we decide to go and repair the electrical installation.

"To you the honor" I signal him to come down first.

He executes and I am. Of course, during the day, it's less scary than at night. We go down the stairs and Derek examines the installation while I light it with my lamp.

"I see what's wrong," he said, looking at the electrical box.

"What is it?"?

"Do you see this room there? It must be replaced so that the current can pass through the circuit."

"Okay, so basically we have to go buy it in a DIY store?"

"Yes, I'll accompany you to find it"

I hate DIY stores. It's so boring to visit and it always smells like cement.

"I'm going to get ready," I tell him.

"Go ahead for now, I'm going to do the dishes."

"Thank you! You're really adorable!" I tell him what seems to please him.

I go up to my room to change. I turn on my phone and see 2 messages from Paul.

"We need to talk to each other"

"Monday is urgent"

Not knowing what to answer, I simply answer him, I agree.

I go down, ready and Derek is sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"Are we going?" He asks me.

"Yeah, are you driving?"

He nods and we leave the house.

On the road, Derek turns on the radio. The song Sorry goes on the radio. I start humming the tune of the song and Derek looks at me curiously. I stop singing, embarrassed.

"Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body oh" he starts singing.

He looks at me and starts laughing.

"What?" He asks me

"You know how to sing!"

So he knows how to cook, do the dishes, tinker and sing?

"Oh, it's nothing"

"Are you kidding? You sing very well!"

"Thank you public," he said with a laugh.

We continue to sing on many songs before arriving at the DIY store.

We enter the store and a young man welcomes us. Derek begins to explain to him what we need and then we follow him. I'm trying to squeeze it so that we can get out of the store as soon as possible.

Once the part is purchased, we go home. We immediately go down to the basement to repair this damn installation. In just a few minutes, Derek manages to pass the current.

"And the light was!" He exclaims.

I thank him and then we go back to the living room.

"Well, what do you want to do this afternoon? Your mother asked me to take good care of you so if you planned to get rid of me it's missed"

"What's going on between my mother and you?" I ask him curiously.

"She is friends with my parents and I think my parents told her about me."

I understand better. She must think that Derek is the perfect man. Although I can't say the opposite since I haven't found a single defect for him at the moment. But it's not up to my mother to decide on my dating.

"I think we're just going to stay at home and watch series," I propose.

We spend the whole afternoon wrapped up in the blanket watching Teen Wolf. Night falls quickly and I got to know Derek better.

He's a super nice guy and we could be very good friends but there is still some attraction between us, I can't deny it.

It's almost 8 p.m. and my parents will not be long. I'll take Derek back to the door.

"I had a great day with you and it was great pleasure to have got to know you," he tells me.

"Me too, we get along very well, it's great!"

"You know we could spend time together after class since you are no longer in the cheerleader team. We finish at the same time and at what you told me you can't go home before 4pm because your parents would suspect something."

"Yeah, that would be cool, whenever you want," I answer honestly.

I kiss him and he gets into his car.

My parents came home a few minutes later and we were talking about last night. Exhausted, I end up going to bed not too late.

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