Chapter 26

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So now that I have my plan, Jena has to get in my way. Seriously? I have to make sure that there is nothing between her and Paul.

I arrive home and I get a bath directly. I really need to de-stress. I check my phone and see that I have a message from Derek.

"Is it still good for tomorrow?"

It's true that we had planned to land in a coffee shop. I send him a message to confirm and then I turn off my phone.

I stay in my bath for a good hour and then I put on a tank top and shorts and a big soft bathrobe on top.

I go to my room to do my homework and then I go down to prepare dinner. I think I'm still going to have dinner without my parents tonight.

I mix the sauce when suddenly someone knocks violently at the door. It's weird, I wasn't expecting anyone. I turn off the fire and then arm myself with my wooden spatula. It's stupid I know but I'm lazy to go up and get my baseball bat and especially if it's someone I know at the door. I go to the door and look at who is at the door. What is he doing here? I open the door and Paul rushes inside, furious. He looks at me from top to bottom. It's true that I wear a big white bathrobe, it's not the most attractive thing.

"What exactly are you doing with Derek?!" He yells at me.

I have never seen him in this state.

"What was this guy doing at your house this weekend?!" He insists.

How is he fucking aware?

"Already you will stop screaming and you will start by calming down a little otherwise I would not answer you" I answer tactfully.

"How do you want me to calm down when I learn that you are inviting another guy to your house when your parents are at work?"

"Derek is a FRIEND! As far as I know, I still have the right to have friends," I yell at him.

"Your friend does NOT have to come to your house or hug you. I bet he slept with you, didn't he?"

I don't know what to answer and Paul sees it in my eyes.

"I don't believe it..." he resumes

"He doesn't know anything past! No kisses or anything. So you're going to stop taking my head because I spend time with a friend. Derek was there for me when I needed it. So it is out of the question that I break my friendship with him because of your incensed jealousy."

"I'm your guy! Do you think I like seeing you hanging out with other guys?"

"And do you think I like seeing you flirt with Jena? Do you know that you're fucking with Amanda? Frankly, you're in a bad position to make me reflexes, question yourself"

"Then maybe you should go out with this bastard since he's so perfect! I don't know why you're wasting your time with me. I bet he's already skipped you, it must not have been too complicated."

I remain speechless. Did he call me an easy girl where I dream? I feel hurt like never before.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," he apologizes immediately.

"Get out of my house" I say as I move away from him. I want to put a potato in his mouth.

"Nina, sorry I didn't think so..."

"It still came out of your mouth. Do you think I'm a whore and I spread my thighs for anyone? Break up! "

He takes me in his arms and his strength immobilizes me. I can't escape him.

"I said I was sorry. I didn't think so. You're the most respectable girl I know and I'm the luckiest guy to have you. Knowing that you are close to another guy, inevitably scares me and my jealousy surface. Please forgive me," he tells me in a calmer tone.

This guy is bipolar my word! This time, I let it pass. I need to be with him for my plan, this is not the time to break up.

I kiss him as an answer and he gives me back my kiss but more violent. He slips his hand into my neck and continues to kiss me passionately. He undoes my bathrobe and looks disappointed.

"I would have preferred you not to have anything underneath" he whispers in my ear which makes me smile.

We were ready to kill each other and 2 minutes later, we find ourselves kissing on the couch.

I stop him before he asks to go further. His remark still touched me earlier. He is not trying to understand.

"Do you want to stay and eat?" I ask him.

" I can't be sorry, I told my mother that I was going home to eat."

A son to mom this one!

I kiss him and then he leaves with his car.

I lock the door and then turn on Paul's phone that I stole when he kissed me. I am aware that it makes the girlfriend jealous in the movies but I am ready to do anything to discover the truth. I look at his messages. I see that he spoke with "Mandy" who is Amanda.

"You're dead"

No message before or after...

The bastard has deleted everything else! No other messages... I will see his recent calls and contacts. He called Jena and the discussion lasted more than an hour. But...

The conversation ended half an hour ago. A few seconds after Paul landed at my house, it means that they were on the phone while Paul was on his way to my house. It means that... Jena told Paul everything about Derek?? I don't believe it! But what is she trying to do?

There is nothing else on his phone. I will return it to him tomorrow, my parents will not be long.

I have dinner quickly and I go up to my room to rest.

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