Chapter 22

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I wake up, it's 6 p.m. I turn on my phone.

From Paul:

"Bae, how are you? It lasted longer than expected, finally sorry"

"You don't blame me, I hope? "

"Answer me please"

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Bae tonight, they have planned a big storm, be careful"

15 missed calls??!!! This guy is completely crazy!

I send him a message to reassure him.

Sorry, I fell asleep. No, I don't blame you. Don't worry, I'm staying at home tonight ;)

I get up from my bed and go down to the living room. There is no one. It's actually very dark and cloudy's not very reassuring.

I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. It's almost 7 p.m. and my parents are still not home, the sky is getting darker and darker. I decide to call my mother to find out where they are.


"Allo? Mom? Where are you? "I ask worried.

"We haven't finished our meeting yet and with the storm, I don't think it's safe to hit the road. We will surely sleep at the office and work directly tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow night. Pay attention to yourself," she told me while hanging up.

Great...she's really going to leave me alone with Derek? My parents really trust me, so say! But well, it's not as if something was going to happen. And then, maybe with the storm, he won't finally come anymore.

I go up and get the duvet and go down and lie down on the sofa. My phone suddenly starts to vibrate.

From Derek:

"I'll be there in 5 minutes :D"

With such a weather, he took the risk of coming? This guy is totally crazy!

It rings at the door, I'm going to open. It's raining ropes outside!

Derek is all soaked the poor man but keeps a big smile.

"Hi! It's super cold outside," he told me.

I laugh and invite her to go home.

"Sit yourself, I'll explain the situation to you," I say.

I sit next to him and he looks me straight in the eyes a little worried. It's quite disturbing.

"My parents are at work. And with this time, they can't go home. They will surely sleep at work and go home tomorrow night."

"Ah, it's a shame... but I'm going to get to know you better then," he says enthusiastically.

I smile at him as an answer.

"Unless you want to stay alone and in this case I'll go home," he says.

"No. You don't bother me at all and then with this dirty weather, it wouldn't be at all prudent for you to go out."

He nods and then asks me.

"What are we actually eating tonight?"

Shit! I admit that there is nothing prepared. My parents were going to order a meal from the caterer.

I get up quickly and go to the kitchen, followed by Derek.

I open the fridge.

"Enough empty your fridge," Derek laughs.

I elbow him and open the freezer.

By miracle, there is still a frozen pizza.

"Well, we're going to settle for a tuna pizza," I told him.

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