Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

Kurt and Blaine had became registered foster parents and was waiting for their first call. "Blaine what if we never get a call because we are two boys?" "Kurt don't worry we will hopefully get a call soon."

As soon as Blaine finished speaking the phone started to ring

"Hummel-Anderson house hold Blaine speaking."
"Hi Mr. Hummel-Anderson I'm Bridget from the fostering homes and I was wondering would you and your husband like to take in a little girl."
"I would have to talk about it with Kurt but I know we would love to give a little girl a home even if it's only for a little bit."
"Just to worn you the girl is deaf."
"Oh how old is she?"
"She is five."

Blaine looked over at Kurt who was sitting at his vanity half doing his mostriser regiment and half listening to Blaine. Kurt looked up and caught Blaine looking at him. "What did the social work say?" "A five year old little girl but the only problem is that she is deaf."
Kurt looked over at Blaine to give him his full attention.

"I don't care if that little girl is deaf autistic or what ever Burt and Elizabeth didn't give up on me or Hannah. So why give up on a little girl who probably had people give up on her.""Ok."
"When can we meet this little girl?"
"I'll drop by tomorrow have a good evening Mr. Hummel-Anderson."

Once Blaine put the phone back down he went to find Kurt who was brushing his teeth. "Still throwing up?" "Not as bad." "KURT WE ARE GOING TO BE DADS!" Kurt smiled at Blaine if he was so excited about adopting a little girl what would he do if he told him that they were also going to have a baby in the house.

The next day

"Kurt I can't wait to meet the little girl." "Blaine she isn't supposed to be here for another hour." Just as though words left Kurt's mouth the door bell went off and Kurt knew it had to be somebody they don't know because Rachel Nick Jeff and the other warblers just enter without knocking. "I'll go see who is at the door you sit down on the couch."
"Whatever you say Kurt."

Kurt headed to the door and saw his old social work because they stayed in Ohio. "Ms. Kelly?" "Oh my gosh I cant believe it look how tall you are now." "Well the last time you visited me was when I was eight but it's good to see you."

Kurt looked down and saw the little girl hiding behind Ms. Kelly's leg just like he did when he went to live with Burt and Elizabeth. "Hi sweetie my name is Kurt. What's your name?" "Kurt how did you know how to sign?" "My cousin was deaf and I taught Hannah when she was younger."
"My name is Lila." "That is a beautiful name. Do you want to meet my husband Blaine?" "Yes please."

Kurt Lila and ms. Kelly all went inside and over to the living room were Blaine was passing the floor. "Blaine you can stop your passing the are here early."
Blaine turned and looked and saw a little girl standing right next to Kurt. "Lila this is myhusband Blaine Blaine this is Lila." "Hi sweetie."

Lila smiled that they both knew how to sign. "Alright I'll let you guys get settled in."
"What do I call you?" Kurt and Blaine bent down to her level. "You can call us Kurt and Blaine or daddy and papa or what ever you want."

"I like daddy and papa I never had a daddy and a papa. But where is my mommy?" "We are gay witch means we like the same gender so you don't have a mommy just us."
Kurt and Blaine spent their time getting to know Lila and for Lila to get to know them.

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