Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

Lila could tell right away that something was wrong because Rachel didn't catch her when she ran into her legs. Rachel walked over to Kurt and whispered in his ear and Kurt nodded and the two walked up to Kurt and Blaine's room.

"Kurt we got a problem." "What?" "Alex is trying to get back into Beth's life." "Didn't he abuse Quinn and Beth?" "Yes but Quinn isn't listening and is thinking about going back to him." "We need to stop her." "But how?" "Didn't it take a year for her to get Beth back?" "I think so."

Just then there was a knock on the door
"Who's that?" "I don't know." Just then they heard Blaine yell up the stairs. Kurt and Rachel came down the stairs and saw a little boy who looked like he was seven. "Are you Kurt and Blaine?" "Yes we are how can we help you." "Did you have a son when you were a jr. in high school?"

Kurt nodded while Blaine looked confused. "Kurt what is this child talking about?" "Do you remember when I left for eight months and I said I was visiting my uncle?" "Yeah but what does that have to do with that?" "I lied Dalton had kicked me out because Thomas had raped me and I got pregnant but I don't know why it has you as the other father."

"Oh my foster parents are Burt and Carole and I just wanted to meet you." "Well we should be getting you back there then." Just then Lila came closer. "JORDAN!" "Lila!" The two kids hug. Kurt watched as the two kids sign fast. "Ok slow down guys and tell me how you know each other." "Oh Jordan was my old foster brother he is the one who taught me asl."

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