Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee

Once they came in from resses Jeff could tell right away that there was something wrong with Lila but he couldn't tell what. "Alright class lets do you know what is wrong with Lila?" Jeff watched as his class just looked at him and Lila was watching her para sign her what Jeff was saying.

Jeff watched as Lila pointed to her ear and Jeff didn't see her hearing aids and she had them on when they had left for lunch. "Class I want you to come sit down on the rug now." Jeff and his class all went to sit down on the carpet and when Amanda moved Lila's hearing aids fell out of her pocket.

"Amanda why did you take Lila's hearing aids?" Amanda looked at her lap because she thought that she didn't need them but once she saw Lila's face after she took them Lila look scared.

"Im sorry Mr. S." "Its ok but I'm not the only one you need to say sorry too." Amanda looked over at Lila and her para and walked over to them. "Im sorry Lila." Lila and Jeff's eyes went wide when they saw her sign to Lila. "My older brother is autistic and uses sign language." Lila was reading her lips as Amanda talk.

After school

"DADDY!."  Kurt watched as Lila ran right up to him and gave him a big hug. "Hi princess. Did you have a good day at school?" "Yes and I have a new friend ." 

Kurt tried to work the last sign out but Lila had signed it to fast. "Can you tell me what you just said sweetie I never learned that sign."  Lila nodded and signed friend again.

Kurt and Lila headed to Kurt's car "Daddy?" "Yes Lila." "Will you ever give me up?" "Lila why would you ask that?" "Because my mommy was taken from me and daddy never attention to me unless I did something bad or when I'm trying to sleep." Kurt took Lila into his arms and sat down in between the seats. "Listen to me nothing you do or what you say will make us give you up."

"How do you know?"
Kurt thought about it because it has been years since Burt had adopted him. "Do you know how daddy sometimes has a far away look." Lila nodded and cuddled up to Kurt. "That's because daddy has something called P.T.S.D. because daddy was abused too but it was from my mommy and my daddy because they had a problem with special medicine and they hurt me just like they hurt you."

Kurt drove him and Lila home and started to fix dinner. "I'm home." Kurt rolled his eyes and replied. "In the kitchen." "PAPA." Kurt laugh athearingLila call for Blaine. Despise both Kurt and Lila both growing up in abusive homes she gets along with Blaine better. "Daddy come play with us."

Kurt turned and saw Lila in one of her dress up clothes and Blaine wearing a suit jacket with his dress pants that he wore to work. "You both look beautiful but I still need to get dinner ready I know somebody who can play with you."

Just as Kurt finished talking and sighing the door opened and Finn Rachel Quinn and Beth all walked in. "AUNT RACHEL!"

Sequel to a special caseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें