My Asian Family: I can never be perfect

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Note 1:

My mom is a good woman. For me she is always perfect. And almost everyone love their mom. So I may include her most of the times with all the respect that I have for her.

Note 2:

Not all Asians are the same. Just like not all people are honest.

Let me begin..

Case 1

-----Unknown loves art-----

*Me paints a painting*

*Shows my aunt*

Aunt be like- *weird face expressions* " umm..." (nods slightly and looks into her mobile)

Me- *slightly embarrassed* *inner me*- what the hell do you mean... I have taken whole 3 freaking hours of my life.

Me: (outside) "Ahn.. haan.. yes.. like.. I know its not that good.."

Aunt: "umm.."

*inner me at the same time*- "Ayyya.... it's not that bad either.. dude.. okay! At least just look here one more time before I leave"..

*Me paints a painting*

*Shows my mom while she's watching TV*

Mom: *still staring at the TV* "Nice"

Me:"But you didn't see it.. how can you comment on something you have never seen"

Mom:*yells* "why are you disturbing me.."

[Probably my mistake :, )After doing a lot of work she gets only a few hours to rest in a day.. and I destroy it.. ;( ]

Mom: *looks at my painting* "Ohhh myyyy Goooddddd.. so beautiful dear.. wow! awesome! "

Me: *sweat drop* Inner me: "I think it is too much.. it's not called appreciation.. it's called love.. but.. nevermind thanks"

*Me Paints a painting*

*shows to my sister studying in 3rd standard*

Sister: "Wooh.. I have never seen such a good drawing.. can you give me drawing classes?"

Inner me: *: )*

*Me paints a painting*

*shows to my cousin brother*

Cousin brother: *confused* "Wait.. first of all who are you??!"

*; (*

*Me paints a painting*

*shows to my grandmother*

According to my vision:

According to my grandmother's vision:

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According to my grandmother's vision:

*I am not in the state to mention my dad so sorry about it =)*

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*I am not in the state to mention my dad so sorry about it =)*

For me

Reading = Writing

Thanks for reading..

Have a blessed day..

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