My Asian Family: Situations

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Case 2

-------------Unknown should understand-------

*My friend and me before the exam*

Friend: "I have not studied anything.. I guess I'll fail it..."

Me: "Oh.. I just couldn't read the last two lessons.. that's all.."

Friend: "ohhh! But look at me...... just NoThInG!!"

A week later

*My friend scores more than me*

Friend: "Why I always score less???"

Inner me: "Let me smash your face.. then you'll start scoring"


Note: I have never faced the situation given below but many of my friends have suffered from this.

*Imagine you get 98 out of 100*

*You go home and tell your mom*

You: "Mama.. I have got 98 out of 100!!!.."

Mom: "What??! Where have the two marks gone? How can you be so stupid?? How can I face the people?? And do not call me your MaMa! You can't be my child.. I used to score better than you"

*takes out the slipper*

Lé mom's marks: 60/100

Weapons meant for children in Asia

•rolling pin
•stick (a good and strong one)

Note: My parents have never used any of these weapons.


*After the exams, the exam papers are distributed*

Me: "Yeahhhh!! I.. Have... Got.. 72 out of 80.. I am soo.. Happy!"

*Me looking at my friend who seems really depressed*

Me: "Hey! What happened?"

*Friend starts crying*

*Me assuming that she has not scored well*

Me: "Uh... you got less?"

Friend: *still weeping* "Yeah.. "

Me: *Giving motivational speech*

*After a few minutes when she is comfortable...*

Me: "Well, how much did you get?"

Friend: "No.... I can't tell.. its too less..."

Me: "Don't worry.. Trust me... "

Friend: "I've got 75 out of 80..."

Me: "Dude... 3 marks more than me... how can you speak something like this... how can you.. speak.. this.. oh.. my.. I'll faint"

Inner me: " TeLL mE ThAt YoU HaVE ScoReD WeLL............ or be ready to die you lifeless creature!!!.."


*My Asian family at a restaurant*

*After having the food*

*Bill arrives*

Mom: "I'll pay.."

Aunt: "Nooooo... I'll be paying.. don't you touch the wallet!!!!"

Waiter- *waiting* (so he is a waiter)(just kidding)

Mom: "Just shut up!! I'll be paying.. "

*After a long WWE fight*

*Finally aunt gives money to the waiter*

*Both become silent*

Me and my sister: *sigh*


How to check whether your Asian mom is extremely frustrated or not..

*Your hand slips*

*A glass of water falls down*

*The shattering sound of the glass makes your heart beat faster*

*Before you do something mom arrives*

Mom: "What have you done?? Ayya.. God!!!!!! You are very clumsy... You think I get the glass for free in the market.. or do you think I have started growing glass trees outside??? Clumsy.. So.. clumsy.. AnD! It should never happen.. agaiN! remember that!!!"

Congratulations you are safe..

And if this happens..

*You damage the TV.. of course not on purpose*

*But your mom sees*

Mom: "My precious.. you are the best daughter/son one could ever have.. you deserve to be treated well.. well than I used to.. you know.. you are a blessing.. AnD.. I can't really express my love at the moment my dear.. I just really can't.."

Run from there.. and find a good place to hide.. if you love yourself..


*I laugh at a maths meme*

*I wish to show it to my mom in hopes that she finds it funny too*

Me: Mom! Look at this meme.. so funny..

Mom: *watches* *stares at me* : This isn't funny dear..

Additional lecture

"You know they're trying to distract kids these days.. and what is the meme trying to say? This meme shows that maths is not to be respected.. then the children think the same.. you know there are children who don't get to study..."

Inner me: "Sorry mama.. let me go"



Again not all Asians are the same.. but this is my family and.. some things don't exactly relate me.. but I have surely experienced them in my surroundings.. And I love my mom a lot.. Have a great day! =)

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